It was able to smoke a lot of high powered cars back in its day.
It was able to smoke a lot of high powered cars back in its day.
Yeah, from now on I’mma call my Camry’s color Grigio Ingrid.
If you want to know how a car works in intimate detail buy a Granada - you'll be learning as soon as you pick the keys. Car wouldn't start on the first drive home. A rolling mechanical fault disguised as a car.
He’s watching some humans and dogs in their coronavirus cages while he enjoys some pizza.
After ending up with monochromatic cars (just the luck of best used deals) I am now staunchly pro hue. Only exception is white because it keeps the car cooler in summer . An added benefit is that the paint doesn’t suffer as much UV damage in the long term.
No, April 1st does not get extended to 14th because of Coronavirus.
Oops, wrong car.
You sound like you have an itch on your shoulder.
Not a stretch. Some public betas work very well. They obviously took some shortcuts to get the product to market, but no harm done if the car works anyways.
The Model 3 is a fine car, certainly miles better than something like a Dodge. Just a tongue-in-cheek observation.
In true tech startup fashion the Model 3 was the public beta test.
After the promise of the headline, I am a little disappointed in the dearth of smashed monitors, upturned computers, and filthy swear words.
I can remember when the 309 GTI came out. It had an excellent reputation for handling, on par and sometimes preferred over the 205 GTI by the pundits. However, it had a tough time being the bigger sister of the popular 205.
The 309 GTI does not have reputation for unreliability, so not quite apples-to-apples.
One of my neighbors used to have this. His son was in my class. It was something else for the kid to be dropped off in school with it.
There goes all Union Pacific’s carbon credits, up in smoke.
For a moment I thought Singer has moved on to the fried egg 911's.
At this rate absolutely no one will be ready for 2021.
The CDC is reporting that that, like Avatar’s Pandora, it is recording an alarming uptick of Jalopnik readers who cannot understand a world where Kristen does not write for Jalopnik.
Forget about COVID-19, the world is not prepared for Kristen leaving Jalopnik!