I totally support things that truly offend people for good reason — confederate memorials from the early 20th century erected by white legislators as a form of social intimidation? Clearly a bad idea.

I think part of the reason people defend usage of words that aren’t specifically racial/racist/offensive is that they don’t want the worst people from both ends of the spectrum (both the biggest racist assholes and the most over-the-top ridiculously sensitive) to be able to set the agenda or claim ownership. It’s

As an aside, what are you really fighting for when you demand to keep a word that a large group of people is bothered by, or that a group of experts finds pejorative?”

Somewhat similarly, the term “slave” did not originally have racial implications, as it existed before the modern concept of race. It derived from the ethnonym “Slav” (the Indo-European people).

This is interesting, because AFAIK the connotation of “black” being evil and “white” being good far predates the invention of race. So I rather doubt that “whitelist” and “blacklist” were originally intended with any sort of racial implication. (The opposite may be true: those espousing race theory may have selected

I have to disagree. I think a major theme of this movie is going to be how they stayed immature because of learning about the prophesy. They never did what they needed to do to grow and mature. And THAT is why they never were able to write the prophesied song. They’re daughters, who have been ragging them for never

Keanu is one of those few guys whom have managed to stay relevant throughout his entire career.

Well they better
8+21+20+20=69 dudes!

By all accounts he is an awesome dude who had been successful, dealt with personal tragedy, and kept it together without going off the deep end. At this point he might as well just go for it. Make fun of of his “Whoa” persona all you want, the only difference between aloof and stoic is often age.

Well that and Neo, famous for his longest bit of spoken line being his six sentence speech at the end of the first Matrix.

“Ancient proverbs aren’t going to cut it fellas. Get off your asses and get to work.”

Cracks me up how brave Keanu is for diving headfirst back into a character that he’s basically been running from his whole career, insofar as early assessments of his talent went.

“Be excellent to each other.”

Personally, I think that both sequels are underrated. They’re not nearly as good as movies as the first one, but I do think that they have more interesting ideas. And I feel like if there was a special edition that made the dodgy even for the time special effects in 2 & 3 look better they’d be ripe for reevaluation.

While I nod knowingly as I feel where you’re coming form, there’s a lot of good stuff in Reloaded. Not an entire movie’s worth of good stuff, but it has its moments.

Plus the blood.


The comparison to Jon Benjamin is fair. The difference between Archer and Bob is basically the amount of umms and the confidence in his voice. Otherwise, it’s mostly the script he’s given.

BNA enjoys Studio Trigger’s usual visual appeal and a premise full of interesting concepts. It’s pretty fun overall, but very little of its plot sees any follow-through. It’s clear the show is trying to say something, but never entirely apparent what that might be.