They know they’re on camera. The scary thing is that they don’t care.

The US really has become a despicable country. 

Cops right now are making the best case for abolishing police departments.

Two officers suspended. I would expect every single officer who walks past an injured person wihtout making sure the person is getting help to be suspended.

I don’t believe that the fandom that criticised his prior films are the same fans pushing for this. The only people I personally know who have been lobbying hard for the Snyder Cut also think that BvS was fantastic.

Yep, and pretty old school (hanging)

Considering his trial will likely get him the death penalty. It seems cruel to let him suffer with serious burns for years till he partially recovers and then kill him.

I tried those once. I wouldn’t say that lemons tasted like candy; more like painfully sweet sweetener — I could only take a small bite because the sweetness was so overwhelming it was disgusting.

Yep, it's compressed "miracle fruit". It works by binding to the taste buds, and in the presence of low ph food (acids like lemon juice) it activates the sweet receptors. Cool stuff. 

Within minutes, a YouTuber would have the capsaicin gel cranked up to unsafe levels for the next challenge.

Without the smell component, everything you taste will taste like it tastes when you have a cold. And smell is much more difficult to replicate.

I'm both amused and terrified with the notion that the porn industry is probably already hard at work integrating this into their offerings.

I gave you two stars, but deducted one for failing to include a picture Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka, or of those kids in the back of the police car in Super Troopers.

it could recreate the satisfying feeling of eating a piece of chocolate, or drinking a milkshake, without having to ingest a single calorie.

To be fair, aren’t those really Cardinal Hugh of Provence glasses?

To be fair, aren’t these Luca Giordano glasses?

To be fair, aren’t those really Ben Franklin glasses?

If you hate the glasses, you’re going to be super pissed that the answer to your “how do they fit that tech into some wire-rimmed glasses” question is that they don’t.

To be fair, aren’t these really John Lennon glasses?