K-cups are wasteful—and IMHO, do not make a strong enough cup. I use a large T-sac, drop in a few spoonfuls of coffee, then steep it as long as I want. :-) I am lazy, environmentally friendly, AND caffeine addicted.
K-cups are wasteful—and IMHO, do not make a strong enough cup. I use a large T-sac, drop in a few spoonfuls of coffee, then steep it as long as I want. :-) I am lazy, environmentally friendly, AND caffeine addicted.
The other problem with this “smoosh” is that it makes breathing more difficult. That band looks danged painful in several ways.
Heh...back when I lived in an apartment and had enough of my neighbor’s rap (despite going next door and asking repeatedly), I took my speakers, placed them against the wall, and played a bunch of J-Pop (fast tempo, high-pitch Japanese) until he came over and apologized.
That is adulting like a champ.
I agree on the home decorating. I had an epiphany, and threw all of my “decorative” caffeine cans into recycling, then proceeded to declutter the heck out of my house.
I would like to think that is a skill that should be developed while still at home. It is simple consideration for other people.
I recently outright refused my brother’s offer to take apart my gas dryer (to retrieve an object HE dropped into the vent) and paid a professional. Why? Alot of things have gone wrong with this house, I was not about to give him an opportunity to blow it up/set it on fire.
THIS! So much this!! I have been learning lots of things about fixing/maintaining a house—and Youtube is my best friend. (My parents also live out of state and have never visited)
Nope nope nope. I have nothing by way of maternal instinct, know nothing of human larvae, and my friends accept this.
Agreed. If someone were to ask me to change their kid’s poop-filled diaper, I would probably use some not-so-nice choice words for them. I do not have kids, do not want to have kids, so to heck with anyone who wants me to deal with the s*** that is of their own making.
I saw much better with PRK (LASIK, but they scrape off the cornea). I did not enjoy the fact that my vision was 20/400 and I could not even see my alarm clock in the morning. After a decade of contact lenses, my eyes started rejecting the contacts—and things got worse as people would approach me in the gym and I could…
I had PRK (same as LASIK, but they scrape off the cornea for better access), no valium, and definitely smelled the burning. Hell, my brother got a cell-phone video of the smoke coming off my eyes.
I admit, the fact Hollywood would rather pay more to hire a popular Caucasian actress and CG her face—rather than just hire an Asian actress—is very infuriating/offensive/irritating/...and so on.
I have to politely differ. I prefer people to be the ethnicity of the role—if there is one specified.
When I was in high school in Mississippi, I remember getting a letter asking me to consider returning to the state after I received my education elsewhere (I had several bites for schools way the hell away from MS).
I told my family to cremate me, send my ashes off to one of those ash-to-jewel companies, then protect and pass me along as the “family jewels” for eternity.
Regarding the first letter, Dr. Nerdlove brings up a valid concern. “What if you take a break from your girlfriend, date around and realize that no, she really was the person you should be with, but now she won’t get back together with you.”
I had a huge pimple festering deep in that spot where the face and nose meet. I finally lanced it, then squeezed a long, VERY VISIBLE fountain of brown pus a foot and a half to the bathroom mirror. I was disgusted and amazed...then fought with myself over whether to take a photo, or just clean it up.
I am deeply disappointed because I do not see a rum flip available. Edward Kenway asks for one in Assassins Creed Black Flag, and gets laughed at because there are no eggs to be had. Ever since then, I have really wanted one really bad. (not enough to make one myself, because I have little doubt that I would ruin it…
Sorry ModCloth, I am still pissed off over that $30 t-shirt that fell apart in the danged washing machine before I even had a chance to wear it. (for those of you asking if I returned it, they only gave me a $7 store credit...for a #$^%#& $30 t-shirt that I never even got to wear)