I do not care how good these desserts are, they cannot make me endure a trip to Wal-Mart.
I do not care how good these desserts are, they cannot make me endure a trip to Wal-Mart.
Urban Outfitters has defended their use of the word Navajo by saying it was a generic descriptor and even compared it to the term “light beer.”
My very Republican Dad likes to fuss at me for being a “LIBERAL” [you have to say it dripping with loathing], but gets humorously irate when I point out that I am a heathen, minority, breeding-age female...and pretty much all of those point to “anything but Republican.”
Messing it up while learning is half the fun!
Regional diet is an important thing to consider. I learned the hard way (both literally AND figuratively) when I went to Japan on vacation and could not crap for a week due to a sheer lack of fiber.
Having lived in Mississippi for awhile, it is a treat on the rare occasions that it snows. People start running out of their houses to gawk at the heavens as if Jesus himself was descending. Vehicles start wrecking left and right with just a dusting of snow (not enough to actually make the road slick, IMO). Kids start…
Every male within arm’s reach of me can vouch for the cold, icy touch of my hands—as chilling as Death itself (or so they claim/whine).
I believe that is the “problem” that Japan and Korea are currently fretting over. Women are getting educated, entering the workforce, and deciding that marriage/child-rearing isn’t worth it. Culturally, the men are still of the mindset that women need to manage the house, which is not helping the situation.
Ditto. Heck, they have even tried to delay me for no reason. United did some really crappy things to me as a college student before there was a Passenger Bill of Rights. (My 18-year-old self “fondly” recalls bumming a ride from a middle-aged stranger—who had offered rides/boarding overnight to myself and two other…
I recently booked with Korean Air to fly me to Japan and back...I paid more because Korean Air has much better food/service/seating than US-based airlines.
I came to this revelation in the middle of my house-wide decluttering frenzy. All of my unitasker items collected dust because I have better tools in my kitchen that can do the job just as good, with significantly less cleaning.
My coworkers refuse to clean the danged things properly (or even remove their used cups), so the Keurigs are eventually rendered ineffective/useless as spoot clogs their insides at multiple points.
Ditto. I bought a Keurig years ago, then realized that I did not care enough to continue buying K-Cups when I could just nuke water, dump coffee into a teabag and carry on with my business.
Yup. I turned in my day off so that a guy with kids can enjoy it. As for me, I will enjoy my “good deed for the day,” the holiday pay, and the box of bagels I purchased to take into work in the morning.
I always figured that Christmas is still useful for non-Christians because most kids will be relatively well-behaved for the month in the hopes of getting toys. I see it as bribery for a month’s reprieve from the other 11 months. X-D
This may explain why I like those Japanese baked Kit Kats. I hate white chocolate, but that carmelized crunchy stuff fresh from the oven is f$&%^ amazing!!
Yup, most of the buyers will experience deep disappointment when the candles fail to improve their mood, then turn it foul when they realize that they were suckered into giving that damn family more money.
How is the penis sacred? I was chastising my male coworkers because they had no problem drawing a huge cock/balls in the parking lot (in the snow), but when they tried drawing a vagina...
The “wingman” got spooked and fled the scene.
The “artist” drew an avocado-shaped thing, stood, pondered, then chickened out and…
Sorry, duplicate post.