I guess you can say that,
he isn't mad at Chu.
*Braces for head slaps*
Thanks for the reply. I was going to write a longer post on how I think your wrong but I realized that that impulse to argue about this game and censorship in general was being fueled more by my ego then any real impulse towards honest debate. In fact I really don't see me and you arguing back and forth as changing my…
There's a part of me that cannot believe that people still watch these movies.
Some people in this thread are just in a frenzy to attack and point fingers at people for being morally wrong no matter what. Any kind of evenheaded, reasonable argument doesn't seem to be getting through. The most egregious thing in all these talking points is that a heavily styled fantasized character is many, many…
I don't find the original art good but I don't find the censorship as improvement either. The way I see it is that nothing was improved and a bit was lost for freedom of speech.
ya, as soon as i heard they was censoring it, i completely lost interest. really? we're worried about the age of chibi anime style characters in a 3ds fantasy rpg?
And that is your opinion, and it is as equally valid and invalid as any other.
The things you consider to be not art merely speaks of your filter, not of the thing itself. It does not meet whatever epistemological threshold you've set, and that's how you are choosing to define something as art or not. Perfectly…
It very much can. Examples abound. The question is: can you accept art without contemplating or seeking meaning? That is slightly rhetorical, I fear, given your stated views.
Oh, aye.
Hey Tom, you are active here too. Happy you bring some sense into this discussion. It's unbelievable how fast people start to agree with censorship. Doesn't take much for the next step I guess as long as everyone feels good about a little censorship here and there.. baby steps to control art.
It can and does.
Seriously people recommend this ethnocentric post? Superior culture? Never has someone been added to my ignore list faster.
If you tolerate any kind of censorship, there will be other groups who want to censor something you might not be ok with.
"L'art pour l'art."
Your statement that art must invite criticism is quaint, but untrue. Art can, and does, exist without critics or criticism. It does not need to stand or flee, it needs merely exist. The creator, upon creation, may decide that those are options that exist to them, but the art continues regardless.
I think we can both agree that video games are just as much an artistic medium as any other. We're at least not dealing with that form of irrational cultural conservatism. Thank goodness for video games forums! c:
Back to your main points, though...
This goes back into the comments I made in the EDIT section of my post.…
Censorship is pointless, and I think most people agree. I really hope that we'll be free of it, soon.
11) It's censored in NA, like Nintendo censored games in the 90s. The 90s FFS!!!
I totally agree. Also, I think that Kickstarter is a good way to go for this game, because it allows more input from the fans, as well as the potential for a more inflated budget than a publisher would have allowed (although they obviously aim very low with the initial goal). We should get a very solid sequel this way…
What's that flag on her leg? United states of Nippon?