
The MSX computer system also made its debut in 1983, if I’m not mistaken. I’ve been collecting MSX games and peripherals for the last two years now, and while it’s not cheap by any means, it is really fascinating — a LOT of popular franchises (largely from Konami) got their start on the MSX, and there are a lot of

Man, not a single classically styled isometric platformer? No Head Over Heels, or Solstice, or anything like that? That’s one of my favorite genres, with both Head Over Heels and Solstice being two of my favorite games IN that genre. And there are still a bunch I haven’t played, like Monster Max, which look amazing.

An amusing comment, considering I barely watch anime at all anymore. Haven’t seen even a single episode of a new show in something like 4 years.

Oh, yeah, I’m almost certain there was some inspiration from Monster World IV, particularly in the second Shantae game (Risky’s Revenge). Gameplay-wise, Risky’s Revenge is like an homage to Monster World IV, in much the way GBC Shantae was like an homage to Castlevania II (seriously!).

FWIW, I absolutely love the first game. It may even be my favorite in the series? I dunno, they’re all really good!

The physical Wii U version is coming on the 27th. There were some delays during mastering that kept us from releasing the same day as physical Vita and PS4, but fortunately only delayed things by one week.

Ahhh. Sorry, that joke totally went over my head. I do appreciate the depth of it, though!

That’s not a very flattering way to describe it, but yes, that is accurate! ;)

I’m... frankly confused by the “Spike Lee remake” comment. I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

All these mentions of games finally coming out after long development cycles, and no mention of Owlboy? Owlboy finally came out this year too, after 9 years of development, and may be one of the best indie games I’ve ever played — and one of the best games in general I’ve played in years.

As someone who values artistic freedom and integrity above all else (including the comfort levels of the viewer), I have to say, this was an excellently written article. You really covered your bases beautifully, discussed what needs to be discussed, and got right to the heart of the matter: it’s not that fanservice

Having seen the NES Classic, I can tell you this: the controller is FAR shorter than an original NES controller was. Like, almost half the length.

True, though most wouldn’t be able to tell the difference at a glance, and I bet you Germany still wouldn’t allow the Buddhist symbol in their titles.

Is it just me, or does the cover image on this article look like an imitation Peter Gabriel screenshotted from the Sledgehammer video?

I... assume that wasn’t meant to be directed at me? Because I’ve been arguing completely the opposite.

“Perhaps not, but then again when somebody creates something that changes the way we think, does the fabric of society not change?”

My experience is more in video gaming than it is in other forms of entertainment media, but I think that may be changing a lot more quickly than you think. AAA studios still often operate the way you’re describing, but AAA studios are also hurting right now — whereas smaller indie studios are thriving, and are

That’s... pretty much what I’ve been saying. The tides of society changed, and the art changed with it. Society did not change BECAUSE blackface and other similar things were removed from theater productions, however — rather, blackface and such were removed from theater productions BECAUSE society changed.

I completely agree!

Not at all. I just wish people would stop complaining about the things they dislike, and instead focus that energy on MAKING the things they LIKE. I want to see more diversity in anime (and TV shows, and movies, and games), more than anything — which is why when people start proclaiming “we need less X,” I say, “NO.