
“while Rockstar has continuously updated GTA Online for free”

This deserves a lot of stars for the pure effort put in. It’s the most effort I’ve seen in any kinja ever. You actually got up from your chair and did a thing!

Not excusing the University but what idiot thinks 30 grams of anhydrous caffeine won’t fuck you up? That’s like a dime bag full. Honestly, put 30 grams of powdered sugar or cornstarch on a digital kitchen scale and you can get a sense of how much caffeine that is. Don’t bother, I have. (Yes, I tared the penny)

I love the tag for this post. Well done.

I personally hope that each and every one of these tech executives take recording devices into the meeting with them, and then release those recordings to news agencies and the public, so we can all get irrefutable evidence that cannot be walked back by his spin-doctors confirming just how much of an asshole and a

That post was by someone named Ivanka, otherwise anonymous.

I’m guessing most of your readers are little rubber people who don’t shave yet so I’ll fill in as the resident dad.

That’s a nice story man. Sorry to hear that you feel so down at times. But I guess we all do that now and then.

Cool story. So is my iPhone 6 Plus


4-8 is cute. With the Supreme Court we are talking about a generation or more. Pray that RBG can hold out. I’ve offered to prop her up from behind Weekend at Bernie’s style.

It works fine here. Our GIFs load dynamically as you scroll down the page, so they shouldn't be slowing down your computer.

do you think we could get about 32 more gifs on the front page so the load time pushes infinity?