
Yeah, you probably shouldn't eat this stuff when it's on fire.

You might be being sarcastic, but there are people who actually make strange connections like that. Just because something can be made to react in a surprising way or can be used for something non-eating-related doesn't mean it's bad for you. I swear someone could make a video of themselves burning dried fruit and

So things that are good for us when exposed to insane temps should errupt rainbows and kisses for all?

It weighs the same as an S63 AMG and has more power and grip for $20,000 less. I'm not a Tesla fan, but the "weight penalty" just doesn't exist.

691 hp is 691 hp

"So how do you like my D?"

Personally, even if I had the money to throw at a collection this big, I wouldn't. Most of the fun of collecting is hunting down each item, or finding them by happenstance, and watching your collection grow over time.


...and get pink eye.

It's not as impressive when you have to cheat to accomplish something.

Bad news if you log onto Reddit on your Mac computer: You're at risk for an insidious malware that will connect your computer to a botnet.

I'm pleasantly surprised to see Blues as such a persistent force.

"Introducing the new Dongle Condom; a USB Dongle that serves as a barrier for malicious Serial Bus Transmitted Diseases(or STDs, for short). You simply insert your USB stick into the dongle, and then plug the dongle into the slot on your computer, and the Dongle Condom detects any possible malicious software before

Careful what you wish for

Having Christopher Nolan attached to a movie as the director is a seal of quality in itself.

Hate to admit that I'd check her out too. She's pretty good looking. Then again, I guess I shouldn't hate to admit it since I'm a guy. It's only natural to look at an attractive woman.

That's about the best reply here — you're right, they're two different use cases; enterprise vs. consumer. my involvement with both is on an enterprise level.

I was kidding. But yeah. I currently have 10TB of stuff, but am going to upgrade to 16TB, basically two of these: