
My pirated movies never expire.

well... shit.

Obama isn't a celebrity he is a president(A really bad one) so he shouldn't be on this list

Proud of my local news. Missed that one.

Omg,so hot...

Heather sent me this pic (below) of the camera she made, and said solargraphy.com was a great resource. I kinda want to give it a try!

Nope ... 4.

So.. bitching about bitching about bitching is your way to feel superior, then? Does each iteration grant +1 snob and +1 higher-than-thou ? If so, I seem to be one level above you. excellent.
what's that xkcd again...

About as good as this.

Making fun of consumerism on Christmas? Talk about living the bold life.

*looks outside* Nope, plenty of real snow here.

What's interesting about this is that the Bliss guy was crucified for being the guy who spread this stuff on the ground.

Oh wow, that photo does it much better justice than the product pic on the front of the website. Thanks!

Look, comedy is one of those sacred arenas where I think political correctness should have some flexibility. If the context, the delivery, and the joke itself are all funny and expertly executed, it doesn't really matter if it's perfectly PC. In fact, I think that sometimes humor in all of its brazen and insensitive

It's not a question of HAVING to jailbreak. Apple did a lot of things right with iOS 7, but there is still additional functionality that some people find nice to have. Others just want free apps :P

How exactly are these gross? The first two are cans of soup. They look like cans of soup - delicious ones, at that. The third picture is a bowl of Ramen or knockoff Ramen. It looks like noodles - again, nothing wrong with that. The final picture... well, the jelly-filled doughnuts look exactly like they do when you

The get started with the iPhone 5 guide is outdated. It still advises people to add GMaps to the home screen using Safari, when an official, proper app has already been released.

Yeah, you're a dick. Go die in a fire.

Congratulations. That leaves you plenty of time to fuck yourself.