
This e-cig nonsense is getting out of control, I'm 100% for them, but it's like everything else that could be dangerous in the wrong hands. You don't ban knives because they could be used to kill someone, they have plenty of benefits that outweigh that risk.

I think it'll be cool to see where the future of cell growth technology takes us. Ultimately, one day we'll be able to have it down to a science of any organ you have could fail, and we'd just add your cells onto a organ stripped of it's cells, guaranteeing 0% rejection rate.

That feature is there just to say they have it. Like you said in the article, it has no real practical usage.

If there ever was a time to invest( within the past couple of months), this would be it.

This is ridiculous, and this goes for any blocking of any website. A hardcore website user isn't going to go "Oh, someone blocked it? That's a shame. Guess I'm not going on there ever again".

Chances are they'd be used elsewhere anyways. Governments pour millions into weapons testing/maintenance/making sure shit works.

I tried we-wording it 3 times, usually I'm pretty good with my words, but during this attempt, I failed to English.

Great, should lead to billions saved due to food needlessly being thrown away.

It's about time that here would be a cheap box like this for the masses.

And the current one is leggy as all hell. Although, I appreciate your efforts good sir.

But, the wind turbines will give me cancer! /s

Honestly, the future of technology is just so immense and awesome, that at one point I felt as though I could predict what was going to occur in 10 years in the personal tech field, but it really seems like graphine is the answer we've been looking for as far as limitations in transistors size goes. Most technological

Considering that the kickstarter finished 900%, not to mention sales after the fact, I would call it a sucsess. A good console? Hell no, but as far as marketing strategy goes, it hit the nail on the hea.

Jailbreak good sir :) Evasi0n

They have that, too ;)

Jailbreak,my friend! The possibilities are endless.

I don't mean to lean too far off topic, forgive me, but does anyone else's home page feed look like this now? No images what soever until I open the article. To be frank, the new layout sucks.

Actually, different shit. They may be enployeed by the same company but it doesn't mean they all work the same.

My sister works at Laura Secord, she says she has a coustomer that has told her several times that all she eats is the ice cream there, and it appears to be true. She comes in twice a day, and gets varying different kinds. She reminds me of the woman from The Hunger Games, if I had a picture this story would be a lot

Just gets me hopeful for the future, I read rumour not too long ago that a company was working to broadcast a live global view of the planet to devices. It'd be cool, even if it were delayed by a few hours, or certain places blocked out. The next generation of "Living Earth" app.