
YOU GUYS, I need some words of wisdom or something.
I'm 25, married, and in school for the next 2.5 years. My husband and I have recently decided on a baby-making timeline, which will start in a few years if everything goes to plan (which it always does, right?!).
There's just one issue that's causing me a lot of


Age: 20

Location: His swingin' bachelor pad. It was bug infested, but the fact that he didn't live with his mom made me hot and bothered.

Partner: A guy I had met a week prior, whom my cousin insisted I date (Her argument: "He's a rapper, but he's a really decent guy").

How it went down: I was hanging out on his bed

You know, HubbyWango and I were having this discussion just recently and we're on opposite sides of the same argument.

I don't feel comfortable asking people about their ethnicity (unless it was relevant to the conversation we were already having). As a white person, I don't want to be someone of the dominant race

I realize Istanbul is more progressive than most of Turkey, but I did a lot of public smooching while I was there on my honeymoon and no body said a word to us or seemed to mind.

I did, however, get a wicked case of E. coli there. MORAL KARMA?

Oooh, it's a little late, but can I play?
1. I love my eyes. My eyes are huge and grey. I mean, they need glasses to function, but people always compliment me on them.
2. My legs. I have my Grandma's legs, and my Grandma was a fuckin' rockstar.
3. My skin is the softest.
4. My big ol' boobies. They cause me a lot of

Was this really an issue? I did my first clinical rotation this year and exposed butts were a total non-issue. Having the back exposed was great, not only for incontinent patients, but for patients who needed help cleaning themselves, and for us to check if any pressure ulcers were forming on the lower back. Any

The sexual tension is palable. Riff Raff and James Franco just need to kiss already!

Huh. It hasn't decreased for me, but now that I think about it, it has changed. As a teen I got/saw my friends get honked at and shouted at from cars a lot. Now, I experience more unwanted touching and close-up harassment.

Studying poop is like reading your guts' autobiography. I looove reading me some poop and I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE!

Oh man, I shouldn't have posted this and then gone to work for 6 hours. My bad, guys. But seriously, holy crap. Thanks for all the replies!

How would you feel if, hypothetically, the person you married told you they "never felt fireworks over you"?

Yes! This may be the first time we Albertans have been featured on Jezebel for anything good.

Loving every single name here. This internet stranger thinks you have some good taste!

Glad to share :) I feel the exact same way. And your thought process was mine too: I would rather live my life with the man I love and regret not having sex earlier and with more people, than have sex with a handful of people and miss out on him. Still, I feel like I could have had both but didn't, and that's what I

Do you feel like you are going to regret it? The majority of the people I've spoken with don't regret waiting til they were slightly older. I, on the other hand, was 20 when I lost it (through vaginal intercourse). I ended up marrying the guy, I was definitely not the last in my group of friends to lose it, and I was

Just wanted to say that these feelings are sucky and I empathize with you. I often feel like the forgotten one or the tag-alonger particularly with my husband's group of friends so I understand how frustrating and almost exhausting it can be. Have you spoken to your bf about it? Maybe he has some insight. Or maybe

Yes. One hundred and ten percent, Roombas are the friggin best. Pete (the name I have given my Roomba that I also got for xmas!) is like a little baby robot and clumsily scoots around and eats up all my cats' gross hairballs. Have you named yours?

Jesus. That's terrifying. Well, I hope you've made a full recovery.

I was on the pill, then got an IUD, then got the IUD out and went on the pill again. It's not the mini pill or especially low estrogen. IUDs have no estrogen at all (only progesterone, if Mirena) and maybe that was the problem? My skin is great on the pill, but it was TERRIBLE with the IUD. Skin problems like I had

After reading a lot of posts on Jez, I almost feel like I'm the only person who had a rough time with Mirena. The insertion was really easy for me, and the first few months were good. Some weird cramping and periods, but I figured it was par for the course and it would work itself out (it did for my friend, so I