Don't knock Cartwheel. It's rad and a few days ago I saved $25 using it.
Don't knock Cartwheel. It's rad and a few days ago I saved $25 using it.
A) Stop. Please. You are making the term 'feminist' embarrassing. Right now, the Surpreme Court is poised to review a 9th circuit ruling that relates to defunding Planned Parenthood because it offers abortion services and you are on about selfies. This is absurd. We are trying to fight real battles. This isn't one of…
I love it!
This is hilarious and made laugh aloud in the office. I might try this.
I don't even know who half of these people are in the tabloid round-ups, and I still can't wait to read this every week.
Wait. What? How on earth was anything she said racist?!
Class shaming, are you kidding me? She's a multimillionaire, and has been all her life. We get to shame millionaires for improper grammar and bad hair. It's part of our social contract along with overdraft charges and pretending that the designer lines at Target are as good as the real thing.
What. Did. I. Just. Read. This is the kind of thing you write in a journal, and then, one or two years after the breakup has ended, you look back and think, alright, I was a little crazy in the midst of it. These are things people say because they don't know what else to say. Rarely, if ever, is it meant to wound or…
I'm not sure whom you are quoting there because I didn't say that.
I was not suggesting we all phrase things the same way. I was going to discuss the verbal clues in his writing that would indicate a dysfunction of this kind, but instead I'll just say, chill the fuck out.
Sure. That's possible too, but there are clues in his phrasing that lend itself more to Asperger's, along with the sort of emotionless detail he provides about things of which even a person diganosed NPD would have more social awareness. I'm not defending him or his views, at all, I find them disgusting and appalling,…
The way he writes (and likely speaks), the social cluelessness and cognitive dissonance makes me think this guy probably has Asperger's.
Good riddance. I hope his permanent absence from this planet provides some comfort to his victims.
Why do we have to keep persisting on this topic? The best way to make Miley Cyrus and "artists" of her ilk go away is to stop talking about them. We are just feeding into the BS. She, and others like her, do not distinguish between negative and positive attention. It's all just attention. Stop giving it to her.
This is such an excellent point that I hadn't really thought about. Goes along with the authors comment about getting the benefits of black culture without having to labor under the sometime burden of being black in white-dominated society.
Thank you!
haha, point taken. I don't know who I had him confused with, but we will accept the blame for BRC here in the States.
I genuinely meant nothing untoward by my use of Canadian. I just genuinely thought for some reason that he was from Canada. I must have been mixing him up with someone else.
Oh, for some reason I thought he was. My mistake. Also, not really the gist of my comment.
At first, I strongly disagreed with this article until I got to this line: "She can play at blackness without being burdened by the reality of it.." Now I get it. As a white girl who grew up in, what i have always called the 'hood, and was the only white girl around, these things didn't feel like black culture or…