
This is the only clinical trial I can find


Maybe if the Democrats would stand up for their platform they might actually get something done instead of giving up so fucking always? The poll numbers are ridiculously in favor of many of these “liberal” and “impossible” policies, instead of explaining them away, maybe give them a try and force the Republicans to

I love how anything the left does nowadays is dismissed by centrists as right-wing tactics, while their entire attitude of dismissal, revulsion towards the ‘extreme left’ and co-option of right-wing tactics to vilify people like AOC is fair game and somehow immune to criticism. 

I remember the US pretty well before 9/11, when the Democratic Party made a conscious decision to chase after/undercut the right and passed or collaborated with them on cruel, punitive legislation like welfare “reform,” the crime bill, deregulation of the financial sector, DOMA, tax cuts for the wealthy, etc.

Which is it? Are they innocents being manipulated or are they mature people who need to wake up to reality?

wow the comments here are absolute trash

Oh fuck off, this wasn’t edited to twist her words, the pretentious bullshit coming out of her mouth is entirely her own.

Feinstein clearly felt ambushed (she was) BUT she seemed to forget that she is elected as a representative of the people’s wishes. Her election that she just won is not a trophy of sorts, it is merely an indication that those who voted for her thought she would represent their interests. I would love to see the

The full video isn’t more flattering. Have you watched it? She said what she said how she said it. I’m not mad about it, because it illustrates the cronyism that dictates law in this country and positions it sharply against the new class of legislators trying to get shit done. 

My father (A conservative) LOOOOOOVES to fucking comment on women’s looks. I fucking hate it and know it’s fed into my insecurities. One of his favorite lines is ‘Do you know *famous attractive woman, actress or model*?’ no matter what I say he always says: ‘I don’t think she’s that attractive!’.

You should quote him back the page from Nick Offerman’s autobio where he praises making sure you eat vegetables (in his argument, so he can enjoy more years of eating meat). 

Yeah, the ‘keto’ diet thing is crazy. It’s meant to help people who have seizures, it’s not really that healthy. But it’s easy to lose weight when you can’t eat much. The fasting thing is just another way to promote anorexia. 

I have a close friend who’s like this, he lectured me about Keto for nearly two hours once, there was no telling him a diet focused entirely on high fat, high protein animal-based food that cuts out anything more that minuscule amounts of plants isn’t great for your health (or the fucking climate/planet). I know my

Leave it to a completely average looking guy (and noted drunk driver) to compare himself favorably with a beautiful and intelligent woman.

(I’m very glad you’re fine now!).

It’s so tough seeing someone act self destructively. There’s not much you can do, but it is hard to see.

Uh oh— you’ve mildly questioned keto and IF fasting online. The keto police are going to find out and come get you. The hills have ears!!!

Urgh, is your younger brother my husband?

whenever I heard that someone is doing keto, all Iwant to know about is their cholesterol levels. I naturally have high cholesterol, so going keto would be a no go. and I do intermittent fasting without even trying since I’m not a breakfast eater.