
It should be noted though that the alleged grabbing is another completely made up story by the queen of lies. They only pretend to get upset about pretend grabbing when they’re trying to shield little Donald from reporters who ask tough questions.

had been suspended because he placed “his hands on a young woman.”

There’s something wrong with the way freedom of speech is functioning in the US right now, if the government is able to just arbitrarily call a group of people “an invasion” and then successfully refuse to be questioned or challenged about that description.

A thought to put the smile on everyone’s face.

Well, they also think laws against abortion will stop women from having them, but if you ban certain types of guns, it won’t stop people from getting them anyway.

Republican logic: a single undocumented immigrant murdering people is proof we should remove all undocumented immigrants from the country, while countless mass murders using AR-15s doesn’t mean we should ban them. 

This would be disgusting under any circumstance, but it’s especially repulsive that he did it to a cancer survivor who was actively fearful for her health.

Yeah, because nothing is more hilarious than scaring cancer survivors especially women amputees who also have body image issues.

“She was hiding under the covers, having bolted all the doors and windows. Her small appartment was empty.

Tons of people struggle and the fact is many are “Not Poor Enough” to get help.

This year I only was able to read one story. It was the one where the girl got violently violated at her home

They like being racist and classist, but they don’t like being made to feel bad about it.  I guess being on the wrong side of history can do that to people.

liking Trump’s racist and classist policies but apparently not his manners”

Honestly, I thought that one was the least scary - it was so caught up in flowery language that it obscured anything scary in the story.

That’s an interesting theory and one I completely agree with. One of my favorite time sucks is reading a group thread where one idiot holds true to a statement for an inordinately long time as other people roast him with valid opinions. Carry on!

I hope you feel better soon.  And thank you for your service to the cause of rationality. You are handling this so well.

“...do so at the ballot box.” I totally agree with this...except, wait...polling places shut down, voter rolls being purged, the whole Natives being denied voting in one of the Dakotas because of some ridiculous law regarding residential addresses, voter ID laws, the disenfranchisement of millions of people who served

On the other hand nobody deserves to have their dinner interrupted, right? /s

How annoying would it be if you got your ghost cruise all set up, dinner and all, happily enjoying the Pacific, and stupid living people kept trying to tow you off course?

“Come outside,” the voice implored. “I need a ride home. Come outside.”