Is Not the Droid You're Looking For

If there was a tumblr for these, I would never work again.

This makes me want to live off the grid by myself. Like Nell.

>(500) Years of Summer

I like 99 percent of what you say on this site, but I am going to have to stop you right there. Chinchillas are the worst. They are creatures created by the Devil. Just look at that face. Pure. Evil.

Seriously. Fuck the pantsriarchy!

a) good girl mara

I'm surprised Spam didn't make it to the top five list for Hawaii. We definitely love the stuff to an unusual degree.

Gross explanation by medical student:

My mom likes him, too. I guess he's on The Voice or one of those other singing game shows? That would be the only way she would even know who he was, so I'm guessing a lot of moms like him now.

Oh, Angie.

I'm a SWM and an avid gamer. I think Anita often argues for her right to live in a world that no one really deserves to live in (with respect to the kind of art that others create), and I disagree with her opinions about 90% of the time.

That said, this is utterly unconsionable and a horribly damning indcitment of the

How does it go through somebody's brain that the appropriate response to anything is to threaten to rape and murder the people they disagree with? Most especially puzzling is the "I disagree with what you say about women being targets for sexualized violence, so I'm going to threaten you with sexualized violence,

They should have a new tabloid called Pregnant and Dumped. It will sell like hot cakes.

They say you stop maturing the day you hit it big. How old was Mariah when "Vison of Love" was released, because she seems like she should be out buying her notebooks for the new school year. And covering them with doodles of unicorns.

I am pretty sure it's possible to read a book WHILE sitting on a yacht. Just saying.

"Cara teases Suki all the time for dating an old guy whose idea of fun is reading,"

I really think Angelina and Jen should do a movie together. Maybe a Thelma & Louise re-boot (with Brad Pitt in the same role as last time). That would make the universe explode.

I'm butt pregnant with a dump.

Since this story is not funny in any way, let's all remember the time University of Kansas Defensive End Dion Rayford got himself wedged, Winnie the Pooh-style, in a Taco Bell drive-thru window.

I had a conversation with a gal once about what we would do if we switched bits. If she had my wang for a day, she said she'd just run around sticking it in whatever she could: gals, guys, pastries, couch cushions, mailboxes, whatever...