Hey, wait, that 3rd and whatever was a legitimate comment by a competent National Football League referee.
Hey, wait, that 3rd and whatever was a legitimate comment by a competent National Football League referee.
Have to hand it to the Patriots D though, they kept them in the game.
I love my Patriots, but hot damn does Denver deserve all the credit for this game. Their defense played as close to perfectly as they could. Miller was truly terrifying and the Pats O-line had no answers at all in that game.
Try more like 30+ years. Here he is in Dune:
It's a good technique. We put brushes into Ziploc bags and wrap rollers in plastic wrap.
A Zamboni with a pair of legs sticking out would've been neat, too.
I still think my native Masschusetts has this beat.
Two blokes and a fuckload of cutlery!
I would read the crap out of Textor vs. The Social Media Mogul
Rule Number One for anyone suggesting anything is "Recommend Beginner Titles." I spent many years in comic book stores and I can't tell you how many times someone comes in and asks for a suggestion and someone hands them Watchmen, Kingdom Come or Dark Knight Returns. Those books are useless without context (except…
Yeah, that's the same reason I don't grow facial hair. I can have a full beard in a little over two weeks, but the effort it takes to keep it from looking disgusting exceeds the time I spend shaving every other day. Not worth it.
I hacked off my 8-month beard about two weeks ago. Of course it was single digits the day after and my face never felt so cold.
yeah, they're kind of an insane amount of work if you're going for anything other then the wildebeast look
I could see doing this on a backup snow blower maybe. But for swapping back and forth, the time involved would seem to be prohibitive.
Even still, they are not part of the chest rigging from an animator's standpoint... otherwise they will have zero movement and look like they were being 'worn' vs. part of the body, even in a sports bra.
I hate that Ivy looks the way she does. Her weapon is so cool and I love her moveset. But it's straight-up embarrassing to play her. I always make a dash to unlock her alternate outfit because though it usually looks stupid she's generally covered, at least.
Oh I hate ties. I wish people would stop getting married or dying —- that's the only time I wear those things.
More than once I've run into the issue that the dishwasher was installed on the slab and then the tile was installed in front of the dishwasher. Getting the dishwasher out was a nightmare because it involved loosening and lifting the counter-top so the dishwasher could then slide out.
Not all dishwashers plug in. Some are hardwired so the circuit breaker will need to be turned off before removing.
Don't you love the signs going into Virginia... "RADAR DETECTORS ILLEGAL"