
Heh, yeah. Unfortunately, I do fall into the older Mac category. But it does look like Yosemite might be a little easier on my poor eyes on the next machine.

Ok, thanks! I'll check it out.

This isn't merely for the purpose of dicking around, it is a serious issue of working comfortably. After a couple of hours working on my Mac, I go snow blind from the glare of black on white. That is when I have to switch over to Windows where they have allowed customized color schemes for over 25 years.

Yeah, I keep finding reasons not to bother with the update. A truly dark theme option would have been the tipping point. Oh, well.

Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. Macs are still proving to be frustrating in allowing color scheme customizations.

What about pictures? Or do they just turn negative as well? Is this the same as Contorl-Option-Command 8?

That's "Dark Mode"? The menu bar gets inverted and that's "Dark Mode"?

They motion capture a lot of these games nowadays don't they? If you can find some willing actresses, can't they just, y'know, capture the movement?

Well let's keep that in mind next time we digitally design a woman who heading out to do random battle without any pretense or forethought.

Two words: Sports bra.

Likewise on all counts. Did the private school thing in my early teens so I can do a Windsor knot without even thinking about it. Just makes me chuckle that such a basic thing needs a two minute video that over complicates the process.

Words are truly failing me right now. Perhaps I need a mirror.

The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson usually did the trick. He had enough of a daily routine where you could listen and laugh without having to watch and I'd usually drop off by the first guest.

Twice I've had a dishwasher on the wood subfloor. One I struggled with the newly installed hard wood flooring, the other had linoleum that had curled up just enough to screw with me.

Or... automatically shutting off the main?

1. Get your Youtube page open in your browser, then copy the URL. .

Not necessarily a good thing.

Whelp, there goes my Friday night. Just like being 15 all over again.

Are you on a Mac? It's under the File menu then. Substitute "Media" for "File" for all the above directions and you'll be fine. There are slight variances but you'll figure them out.

Forwarding this to my mother. I can't take tree steps in her house without avoiding or bumping into something.