
Yeah, I use it the most but that one only shows you rain. It doesn't tell you the difference between rain and snow or both.

IF your oven/hood is on an outside wall, it's a fairly easy project to get a new hood and vent it outside. Heck, your existing hood might just need the ductwork.

DON'T use WD-40 to clean the retractable antenna (do they still make those?) of your car. My dad used to "clean" his and I had to replace the unit twice before I figured it out. It's a cleaner more than a lubricant. It strips or thins heavier oils. The only thing I use it on is my snow shovels.

Yep, he's running again.

President Harry Truman? Because it was falling apart anyway, Truman had the entire thing gutted so that only the exterior shell remained.

Got it. The flashlight housing is cracked but it's sitting on a shelf in the basement until my boy is old enough to swing it around without hitting his little sister. At least on purpose.

It's been done. The movie is "Death Wish" starring Charles Bronson. 1974. And sequels. It's pretty much everything the Punisher ripped off.

Maybe because ET looks like a turd? Saw the movie 30 years ago, liked it, but haven't seen it since. Why? Because I soon realized ET looks like a turd. Nice to see someone else agrees.

Aw, really?

Not a lot of Sci-fi pushing that plot along. Most unbelievable thing in that movie was a spy who can't speak in anything other than an Austrian accent.

/\ This. And that blue dress. And the submarine Lotus. But mostly this /\.

First: Best. Aunt. Ever.

Umm... thanks? And he shot past nerd godhood about 600 million dollars ago.

Next up: fighting the scourge of Laz-e-boy chairs, On-Demand television, laptops and the endless supply of internet blogs with conflicting information. C'mon guvmint, take it all away and make me get up off my fat ass and do something with all those calories I've eaten!

And the inhabitants of Earth ten million years from now say, " ... Humans. They were so cute when they thought they stood a chance."

Appear in nearly every Marvel book for the past 25 years. Can't go a week without seein' me. Team ups, Sci-fi, supernatural, crime, samurai, comedy... I'm just sayin'.

Hulk sad.