
Right? I’m a women in my early thirties and now I look at men under about 28 and think they look like babies! Sometimes very cute, objectively good looking babies, but never someone that I want to make out with.

Last time I caught it, it involved two white men using a black woman as a literal prop, including a LOT of sexual jokes. :| 

This deserves so many stars, but there are probably not enough Canadians here to recognize the truth in this statement.

I knew her from Green Wing and was like “oh that frumpy mumsy actress” and then saw her in something else and was like “Wait... who.... how...?” Love her so much.

There have been plenty of examples of black celebrities wearing traditionally black hairstyles (dreads, cornrows, afro etc.) and being criticized for it because those styles aren’t considered glamorous or sophisticated thanks to white beauty standards. So a white person wears them and it’s edgy/cool, but a black

To be clear, no one thinks that you are appropriating black culture if you are playing Motown songs at home on your guitar. This is a strawman argument that overlooks the actual issue of appropriation.

Going to assume this is advice for other people who might need it, since my physiotherapist and I are doing fine figuring out the right adjustments for my workouts :)

I’m late to this challenge but I’m excited! I love squats! I badly sprained my ankle a couple months ago so back squats have been strictly verbotten until recently and my range is still a bit reduced. I’m going to do air squats and build up to doing 100 at full range by the end of the month.

I’m not envious of your Kinja alerts right now :| But thanks for taking one for the team and calling this guy on their bullshit!

We need to highlight all of these because we want white people to think twice before calling the cops on black people.

I’m seeing her in THREE WEEKS!!!!! So. Excited. 

I think this is something we need to let go of. Most people know that Frankenstein was the doctor. Frankenstein outside the context of the book has a specific pop culture meaning (something scary cobbled together from parts) and no amount of “But the doctor... !” is going to change it.

Yeah, this is my lifesaver. If I have everything packed together then even if I wake up not in the mood to go to the gym I’m like “Ugh, it’s all there anyway... I’ll just go for 20 minutes” and then more than half the time once I’m there I do the full workout I planned the night before. And if I don’t then that’s also

Marriage isn’t a big deal in NZ - it’s still common, but it’s not really expected. Though if she was a single mother or Maori you’d probably get a lot of old white people concern-trolling her.

Varies by location, but in some places server wage rates only apply to places that sell alcohol.

I remember 15+ years ago my best friend was a guy and we both claimed not to masturbate. :|

The one part I can believe is that they were both married before. I know (counts on fingers) four lesbians from small towns that got married before they were 25 and divorced before they were 30. Only one has kids, though.

Not sure what generation you think was talking to their parents... I certainly wasn’t. If texting works to bridge that gap then more power to those parents and kids.

I’m in my early 30s and this is a constant complaint in my friend group. I get it in clubs - it’s what you’re signing up for! But WTF is with the very loud music in bars and restaurants. And yes, I will own my “old (wo)man yells at cloud” status, but that cloud really annoys me, okay?

Watching the trailor I apparently forgot this wasn’t a documentary and got really mad that Alison Brie had to get handsy with a producer to get/keep the show on the air.