*shrug* I watched it with 10 friends and wine-in-a-can. It was great.
*shrug* I watched it with 10 friends and wine-in-a-can. It was great.
Yeah, he seems like a tool. Can we replace him with Lin Manuel Miranda as Go To Broadway Guy?
Hello, fellow white person! The “not all white people/men/etc.” response never moves a conversation forward. If you want to be a “good” white person then I suggest avoiding defensiveness. Prove you don’t deserve that brush with actions, not words.
I burst out laughing at “With moustache scissors”. Poor 19 year old you! How long did that take??? We’ve all made hair mistakes but you paid a higher (and longer lasting) price than most of us!
Sometimes someone writes something truly new and brave and you realize that even though you never thought those words before they are right and have always been right and will always be right.
Get in a stranger’s car, pretend you have a gun in your pocket and order them west! Based on the movies I’ve seen you will both learn important life lessons and have have a 72% chance of falling in love!
I gave up coffee about eight months ago because I was struggling with anxiety. About a month ago I decided to try a small coffee. The first hour was AMAZING. I was like “Why did I ever give this up???” Then I crashed and anxiety spiralled for about half an hour and decided that probably for me personally the high is…
Right? At 25 I lived in Toronto and earned $35k.
So the song is boring and the video is awful, but somehow that makes it amazing? If you said the words ‘modern Backstreet Boys’ this is exactly what I would have imagined.
My friend was fired 10 days after asking about discrepancies between her pay and the pay of men in the same job. The reason given was exceptionally weird... she ended up taking them to the labour board and did get a small payout. Less than I think she deserved, but better than nothing.
Being Mr and Mrs Poop didn’t appeal????
My partner and my names can be combined to make a funny portmanteau (e.g. Blacksoul) and I really want to change our names to that but he “doesn’t want his name to be a pun” which... why are we even together???
My school had a substitute teacher who told us that poor people should stop having children, that Maori people were poor because they smoked, and that Islam is a violent religion. We were 16 so our response was obviously to pass mean notes about her. We got caught, got sent to the principal, told her what had happened…
Two pieces of advice for this:
I’m going when she’s in Toronto!!!! So excited! I’ve been sending screamy excitement gifs to everyone I know.
She did a massive edit to it more than a decade after it was initially written, so the version we read is quite different to the version she wrote on the weekend, although obviously it already had many of those themes. By the time she revised it, her two children and husband had died, so it definitely got darker.
Ooh! Ooh! Pick me!
The phrase “moving target” has been bothering me for a while and I think your post has helped me clarify why.
Right? It’s very “I knew her when...”!