
They do work, I promise. But your country needs to not be filled with a bunch of assholes that either don’t know how to drive or are too AGRESSIVE because they think being 1 car ahead will help them grt there faster.

I’ll repeat what I said in a post long ago, but I am completely not surprised.

I just hope this will help other states with insane traffic to start legally allowing it. I would love to move back to Boston or another East Coast state, but I couldn’t imagine not spitting, especially in Boston traffic or even NYC.

They did a good job with the camo because it is UG-A-LY. The rear wheel arch is gigantic, and the proportions don’t look right at all. But I’m happy to see Iit. Hopefully Jeep puts their diesel in it!!!

I have seen vinyl come over THE WORST when it was on a car for years (3+). It came off in tiny little pieces after sitting in the sun for so long. Maybe it was cheap printed vinyl (it has manufacturer logos and some other Bio Diesel crap). I question what happens with this stuff after it sits in the sun.

I had the same thing happen eons ago in NH with my wrangler. The front hub was f’ed, the wheel rode crooked and would pop every once in awhile. I tried to remove that stupid but, broke three extensions with a 6 foot pipe and saod screw it and gave it to the mechanic. He said it took him a good 45 mins to get that

Pretty sure everything that NHSTA is requesting is apart of the TREAD act/law. Take a look, if Tesla hasn’t been submitting that stuff, oooooooo boy are they going to get a woopin’.

Wow, that was scary as hell.

This is easy. Go out and screw around on Gokarts and Dirtbikes in the street, have your buddy with an old cop car/Tahoe follow “in-pursuit” so no one will call 911 on them because the civilians will think it is being handled.

I love racing my motorcycle and I would be ecstatic to try side car racing. The thrill would be awesome and the skill involved is great!

Hah, so I just saw this picture on the barf forums (bayarearidersforum). This is actually a pretty normal move to make and everyone started posting tons of pictures. But basically they are jumping off the curb just before the apex to get that height. I’ll find the link and add it here.

I’ll repeat. They shouldn’t push it automatically to park, like someone mentioned, it makes towing a pain because you need to pull the special cable. If the door is open and you are in any gear other than park, it should pull the electric ebrake.

Since they copied Audi with the shifter, they should have copied the design. If the car is in any gear other than Park and you open the door, ENABLE THE Electronic E-Brake!

Du bist ein schattenparker oder ein beilagen esser (my favorite).

How about, this is the memory I remember the best? On a class field trip, which my dad ALWAYS came on because his job was awesome (huge bonus as a kid), my dad was grabbing something out of the back of the Toyota Previa space van. I decided I was going to help him close the trunk door. Not being tall enough, I had to

I’m not going to lie, but I’m pretty positive that is where I got my first Jeep (1994 Wrangler w/ 35k on the clock) back in 2002. Although it /might/ have been a different dealer, it still stays a used lot. Right after buying it and not knowing /quite/ when to shift, I was going like 30+ in 1dt gear.

I have never bought a car for more than $3500. But almost everyone I have bought have come from an asshole that has tried to hide something. 1971 bug: bought it at night and it ran MINT. The guy knew what he was talking about he had a sweet 60's charger or something in his garage. I get home and goto drive it in the

Hah, I have a few heartaches too but first:

Little disappointed that we didn’t hear more about what IBM Watson was doing with the vehicle. What data they are recording and what they want to do with it.

They did own buell, but then a CEO basically ran it into the ground. So it hasn’t built or sold bikes in years.