If mommy & daddy can buy their little helicopter child a ticket into Yale, they can FUCKING WELL buy them a book that teaches them how not to rape.
If mommy & daddy can buy their little helicopter child a ticket into Yale, they can FUCKING WELL buy them a book that teaches them how not to rape.
Minus the fact that they still won't call a rape RAPE.
Run her over AGAIN.
It's 21st Century's JENKEM.
She's dumber than ANY Scientologist.
Jenny McCarthy is a stupid fucking waste of flesh.
Don't forget the salt.
After being trapped in a car fire. Where the car is has fallen off a 4th storey parking garage and into the top of a plastics molding plant.
YOU'RE the clown in this thread. NO, you shouldn't be arrested, but you deserve every bit of what you see here coming at you.
I'm a man. I became disabled in the service of my country and I understand what it is to be afraid of assault by those in authority and those more heavily armed than you.
Did you SUBMIT that to DC?
Misogynist dickhole doesn't GET your anger, internet LAYYYDIES.
Misogynist dickhole doesn't understand here, internet.
Agreed. Totes.
This disabled veteran THANKS you for your service.