
@edtomfish: I thought it was "Angel with a cellphone" for the longest time.

@Andy Mesa: The same people that are trying to put Darwin out of work.

@YOXIM: Those are the best. Though I do like them for their low pressure sales tactics. They basically break down into, "Hey, this guy is really cool and interesting. While he doesn't always drink beer, when he does, he prefers our brand. Not 'has to have', not 'will only drink', but 'prefers'."

@Nitesh Singh: "Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. 14% of people know that."

@Beavertank: "There are ways to cover such things that create interest and inform but DON'T strive to induce terror you know... What a jackass author..."

I think how long it will last will be based on the number of people that make it past the tutorial. I hear the first month will be free just so people can make it though it.

@KStrike155: That was under good sleep conditions. Back when I was laid off from my last job I was on a 1am to 11am-12pm sleep cycle for a good month. (And no, stress wasn't an issue, as I had enough of a cash buffer to get me through to my next job.)

Any way around the "what works for you best" method of sleep required. I know if I just let myself sleep, I'll regularly sleep for 10-13 hours. I could never see myself going to bed at 7pm everyday to get up at 5am. Hard enough to get to sleep by 9-9:30pm as it is.

@Ad-hominem: You could chalk it up to the now commonly used condition of "fainted" used in games. I always just went along the lines of the idea that my characters fainted when their HP hit zero and the phoenix feather was like smelling salts.

Now playing

What is wrong with your face!?! (6m45s, damn no time stamp linking.)

@slim934: Graphics engine has nothing to do with hit detection.

@cheesetruncheon: Dunno if I would agree with you there. There reason I love the Zombie Genre isn't because of the gore and action. Myself I like the old style Night of the Living Dead, or Zombie Survival Guide style zombies. This is because it invokes stories of people trying to survive from a constant and always

@InsertBullets: No, a zombie isn't something that was once dead and is now back, medically, alive. A zombie (Old School zombie, not this infect bull.) is a corpse with basic motor function and sensory input. No pulse, no breathing, no digestion, etc. For all medical purposes, a zombie is dead.

@VincentGrey: Exactly, screw Gamestop out of their cash too and just pirate the games!*

@miquonranger03: It's ok, a few days after MS announced the extended warranty for 360s I was talking to a friend about about it and I was explaining how these 3 certain lights light up on the 360 when it RRoDs. I then asked if he wanted to play Forza 2, and I hit the power button on my 360... and got a RRoD...

@battlescarSS: Dominion III: They did market survey for the naming, slogan, and F.3.A.R. Styling back in the fall. That's how they got this crap.

Was the video supposed to look like a guy in a leather jacket jumping over a shark? Or am I just seeing things?

@Corion: 1/4th a game != 1/4th the cost.