@Evdor: So true. I avoid Live like the plague because the majority of people using Live are the same people I would have smacked across the head for being a d-bag in a game of Golden Eye.
@Evdor: So true. I avoid Live like the plague because the majority of people using Live are the same people I would have smacked across the head for being a d-bag in a game of Golden Eye.
@Siye: Indeed, that is depressing. Kitz your cousin is a horrible person.
I wish I had an room like that, though, I believe I'd never leave it...
@emag: Now, if only the world was rational and sudden life changing events never occurred.
@Godseye: Bad analogy, unless where you live cops pull people over just to check in on you. If you got pulled over, you must have been doing something wrong.
@ForsakenShadow: Really? I though ME2's graphics were on average at best. The constant clipping of EVERYTHING made me want to find where the animators lived and smack them.
@C0M470S3: Disportionate punishment is still an issue, just because someone broke a law, doesn't make any punishment fit. You'd be in an uproar if someone was jaywalking and received a year in jail when all they should get is a fine.
I gave up caffeine cold turkey after realizing I was having withdrawal symptoms after not having any for 24 hours. 3 day long headache. Will be three weeks with no caffeine this friday. I actually am more awake in the morning (And I'm up at 4:30am.) without the caffeine.
@MellowJade: What's that sulfur smell coming from the egg bin? Ah it must mean the eggs have ripened. Wait a minute! Eggs don't ripen! Eggs don't ripen!
@Phoshi: Fail.
@whiteflea: You'd be surprised. Years ago, back before WoW, when I used to play MMOs, I was always surprised to find out how many people in my clan and such were actually older/retired people. It made sense, but was always hard to picture.
@[ZTF]Auspiciously Liminal: He must be doing the Omni-Slash...
@PeterQC: Same.
"Chase after the things that interest you and make you happy."