
I’m surprised/not surprised how many Trump supporters seem to want revenge more than a society that works. I mean, what they really want to see is us pesky know-it-all elites punished and hurt. A functioning government is not what they are concerned with. I see them expressing it in overt and covert ways. They are

I just came here because I have to spill my guts and can’t do it anywhere else.

...and if Kaepernick kneels during the Russian anthem, will Conservative boycott Kelloggs?

But it’s 5pm on the east coast on Sunday and trumpo hasn’t tweeted about SNL yet! Look how presidented he’s becoming!!

What the ever loving fuck!!!! How are 90% of Americans not rioting in the streets about this?!!!!!!!!!!

Give it time. From Federalist #59:


Of course they don’t think that. They simply don’t care. This is the end game of capitalism and the capitalists won.

Every bit of this is absolutely on the money. I think it is one of the reasons I drink so much. Too many awful people running the game. The only way to win is to lie and cheat like them but this degrades any moral center we hope to sustain. We become hopelessly corrupted in the process and all our victories, in turn,

I suggest we toss decorum, while still fighting for truth and the wellbeing of every American.

Interesting takeaway from this election cycle: Turns out that the GOP, the party that routinely wraps itself in the American flag and the Constitution, not really all that interested in democracy.

I legit don’t know how much longer I can pay attention. It’s literally starting to affect my health. The anxiety that this man and his supporters cause me every day feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest while stabbing me in the ears.

So how are the Republicans going to continue to blame Democrats for everything wrong in this country when they repeal Social Security, Medicare and the Affordable Care Act? When their tax cuts drive us into a Recession (or Depression)? Terrifyingly they have the keys to the Federal government and the inevitable crash

If there’s something that I concede on the whole Hitler/Trump comparison is that Trump is not that smart. He thinks himself the alpha but he won’t be in that situation.

“My one son is buried on top of the hill,” she says evenly. “Nobody’s going to put a pipeline next to my son’s grave.”

He does love his sneak attacks...

“Young lady who do you think you are? I am a white male born in these United States and argle-bargledy-boop!!!!”

Bigly danger. Yuge.

Trump’s National Obesity Transmission and Factual Accuracy and Truth Act would make it a felony, punishable by death and/or revocation of citizenship, to publish or disseminate any photograph, likeness, or depiction of the 45th President of the United States which portrays him as fat, obese, overweight, bald or

Dear Gröpenführer