
No one should shame or stigmatize Charlie Sheen for being HIV positive. They should shame and stigmatize him for being a woman beater (and shooter) and a piece of garbage.

Who’s going to play Tesla?

Please. Stop. Disrespecting. NIKOLA TESLA. He is the one who invented A/C electricity.

This always works:

When both sides accuse the other of being literal evil, there will never be a conversation. There has been and will continue to be hyperbolic insults and base appeals to emotion. Both sides are entrenched and are more interested in trading hand grenades than making peace.

shot lightly in the face

Anna, I hate to be “that guy” but the headline made me think this was going to be about two people when it is apparently just a couple of shit stains? Please edit, thx.

i miss that guy that shot him in the face

Unfortunately, gun nuts are going to use that gruesome detail to defend owning guns. “See? It’s not just guns that are killing people. Let’s focus on hatchet crimes!”

Her comments about gun control might get many up in arms and automatically divide people into their ferocious “yay” or “nay” camps regarding what Amy said...

enhanced background checks & mandatory use & safety training

I think creep is a good word choice if it was a group of sassy, beautifully made up drag queens. Drag queens have a special sort of power. Once a drag queen shouted at me as she danced next to her car;

Yeah. I appreciate the effort, but I don't think "creep" is the right word. That doesn't come close to describing what happened, and it certainly doesn't shame enough to compare.

Ice and Coco are going to be the best parents. I love them so much. All is love. Yay.

I mean, you expect that kind of thing in a Volvo, but a Subaru? Weird.

A “kill kit” in a Subaru?

Now playing

My cousin’s husband posted on FB just today that if he would’ve been in the theater he would’ve taken the guy out. To be fair, he is trained military. But there were trained military in the Aurora theater, so… I think everybody should be linking that experiment they did to see if gunowners would or could do anything