
Come to think of it the game was kind of lacking in colorful characters, but I still enjoyed that aspect. To me the sense of space between the people in TP felt like a nice departure from most Zelda games. SS seemed to try and make up for that but just ended up overcompensating in my opinion.

But Twilight Princess was super grey.

Wait. You didn't like TP because of its lack of ADVENTURE? The game was huge, diverse, and full of hidden items, dungeons, and other cool secrets.

I totally agree and may I add that the triggers on the PS3 controller just feel squishy and give no sense as to how far you are pressing them in?

The d-pad hasn't been significant in gaming since the turn of the century.

I own both consoles and personally I feel like the only games he's really missing out on are Uncharted and LittleBigPlanet. All the other games aren't much to get worked up about.

Space Batman needs to become a thing. I read those two words together and I got so pumped up I felt like I had just done a line of cake.

I'm buying a Wii U now.

Am I the only person that actually liked Roman?

True, but to be fair Dragon Age II's visuals were incredibly bland and repetitive.

Aw, someone being condescending. How cute.

I've always wanted to fight someone outside an abandoned factory.

I had to scroll through 208 comments in order to find it, but you sir have the best suggestion.

Nostalgia is a powerful force, my friend. Hell, Nintendo wouldn't even exist today if it weren't for nostalgia.

OMG I totally forgot about this game! I was so pumped when I first saw it.

"How to Spycrab" lol

"How to Spycrab" lol

I don't know about you guys but I always thought the Durango code name sounded cooler than Orbis.

Wait is this the same guy who used to be Kotaku_Troll? If so that is commitment to use your only name change for the Manti Teo jokes.

That shit blew my goddamn mind when I was kid.