
To be fair he had that "Why the hell am I even saying this?" look on his face.

Dare I say that Ice King is the most tragic character in cartoon history?


I know those feels, bro. The show's been kicking me in the heart lately.

In the mean time you should check out Bravest Warriors, Pendleton Ward's second show he's got streaming on Youtube. It's actually quite good. A new episode is uploaded nearly every Thursday on the Cartoon Hangover channel.

I was just angry at the time and in a shitty mood. This guy's work is actually pretty freaking cool and quite impressive.

I disagree

Dav Pilkey that sounds familiar . . .

Lol. That last point is also why I never got into League of Legends or DotA 2.

Viva Pinata is badass. No shame from this player.

I'm not disagreeing with any of your points (in fact I'm one of those people that are ague that the base weapon sets are the best) but what I was trying to say was that the alternate weapons can take quite a while to collect when you are new to TF2.

Congratulations we are now comment nemeses. Until next time, SonGohanTW.

False once again. Pornography exists. There are women all over the internet.

This post was written by Patricia by the way. Not exactly a sir. Just saying.

With #1 I'm totally OK with a game recording your K/D ratio but I would prefer that when in a match that they keep your K/D for that match completely inaccessible in order to keep players focused on the game and their teammates rather than obsessing over personal stats. Then after the match is over you can see the

Pretty much, yeah. Although TF2 does follow her 2nd point. It can take quite a bit of time to amass a decent weapon arsenal, especially when you aren't good at wheelin' and dealin' in trade servers.

Go calm down and take a nap.

I don't know. A rebuilding year and the 2nd youngest roster in the league. I wouldn't exactly call this season underachieving.

Totally agree. Every game was a blast to watch. No game lost by more than a touchdown all season.

You may be the worst fan I've ever seen. No pride. No loyalty.