Make calls through Google Hangouts whenever you can, and voila no more going over your 100 minutes.
Make calls through Google Hangouts whenever you can, and voila no more going over your 100 minutes.
This is absolutely a valid option for people today. Especially when you’re using some of the available sites that can show the gift givers what their gift will be going towards. They can still get the feeling that they’ve given the new couple a gift they will truly enjoy while also actually being something that the…
Uh huh. And in this post I don’t see any point where they state that everyone should bring them $20 as a gift. I see them suggesting that if you would like to give a gift then you may do so at the site they provide. There’s absolutely nothing tacky about doing that.
Cocaine's a hell of a drug?
Sure some items are overpowered, and would probably have to be removed in a match. In a match without those overpowered items there wouldn't be a huge issue. I'd put forth that if people don't want to have tournaments with items it's not because it makes the game fundamentally uneven, but rather that people don't…
I think I wrote that poorly. I was agreeing that there should definitely be items. I could see how that sentiment could be easily missed in what I wrote though.
I'd argue that the better person will be the one who has better fighting skills as well as the one who is able to adapt more quickly. After all in real life it doesn't matter how big and bad you are if the guy you're fighting just pulls out a magical wand and lanches a star into your face followed by the wand itself…
You know I haven't bothered to read most of your arguments as I've heard the exact same arguments hundreds of times from the same groups of people. The reason I play games on my PC is one reason only. It is a superior gaming experience. It's far more adaptable than any console gaming experience. It's faster, better…
Hahaha, put this in the wrong spot...
Of course I did #1 to a clip of War Games. The video didn't survive...
You know there's a reason South Africa had race restrictions on stuff right? They didn't have them just because they liked to "hate on a race".
Haha yes I loved that game. Pretty sure my parents still have the floppy disk with it on it somewhere at their house.
Intel Quad-Core Haswell i7 4770K | $300
Order on US Amazon, and pay to have it shipped overseas? I did that with a book on Amazon UK that wasn't getting released in the US for months. Of course that was a few years ago, but I see no reason why they would stop you from doing it.
My poor 5870's aren't even listed in these things anymore? I guess it's about time to upgrade. Maybe I'll find a good deal on a 290X over the holidays.
Oh Cincinnati chili isn't all that bad. I've lived just north of there for over a decade and tried it for the first time a few months ago. Is it anything to write home about? No, but it's a decent change from normal chili. Now mind you I don't get coneys or anything like that when I eat it since I'm definitely a…
Naval Ops: Warship Gunner. I still throw it in every few months on my PS3, and go for a couple of missions. Very much a grind game to get everything unless you download a save that has everything already.
Well I don't have exact answers on a lot of these, but I can give my impressions from the MSI GT60 ONE I picked up late last year.
1) Don't know. The 665MX was a pretty good part though, so I highly doubt the 765m is going to be any worse off. You should be able to play many games on high/medium graphics pretty…
Yep, proved pretty accurate for me. In fact in pointed me directly to the two cars I was considering in January when I got mine. On that note I'm quite enjoying my Kia Optima SXL!
You give me Nazis on the moon? HA, I give you Nazi's in Antarctica!…