May she rot in hell for this.
May she rot in hell for this.
This is in no way an improvement.
This is in no way an improvement.
I’m in the process of hunting down July flights for my honeymoon to Thailand from the West Coast. Any suggestions or past experiences for that would be greatly appreciated!
If they made these two changes, a literal trillion dollars would find its way back into the economy, but not in a way that would crush the economy. 1) Allow student loan repayment with pre-tax dollars. 2) Allow companies to match student loan payments similar to how they match a 401k contribution.
My old ass grandpa ALWAYS had some kind of gross ass bandaid on his hands/arms. At that age, their skin is like paper.
Everyone, disregard the robot.
Is it silent? If I can hear the constant turning, my close coworker will rightfully toss that in the trash at the first opportunity.
Is it silent? If I can hear the constant turning, my close coworker will rightfully toss that in the trash at the…
Fuel economy makes this a non-starter.
My Ford Escape Hybrid just had its brakes replaced for the first time at 180k miles and was entirely due to rotor rust and pitting. Pads still had a fair amount of life on them.
Sadly this will need to get into the range of $25-30 to have ANY hope of a sliver of mass adoption. Apps on your phone will do this for free. Great idea for being outdoors though. In addition to setting a home, it would be nice to set a destination like, say, your next campsite.
I LOVE my 2009 Ford Escape Hybrid so much. 31 Mpg with a decent amount of storage and plenty of room for passengers. As someone else said though, the heat and AC is pretty trash as that requires the engine to run.
Make with the reaction shots already!
What. In the fuck. Was that?
I wonder if he’s, like, ripped on pills or something.
I cannot even begin to fathom how strong that fish must have been. Deep sea fishing is so great and fun bc you feel like you’re reeling up a monster like this only to bring up something hopefully 5 or 6 lbs.
Who the fuck is THAT bored with THAT little to do?
Don’t ever interview hecklers and give them any kind of spotlight. They deserve all the basketballs to the testicles.
As if I needed a bigger reason to avoid the trash that Subway serves up, they also damn well knew about Jareds love of children and did n-o-t-h-i-n-g. They deserve to rot.
I have to change mine two times a year and send even send it to Blackstone for analysis. I would bet that I only save $15-20 per change, but the biggest benefit is not having to wait in a shitty waiting room and also knowing that I have a working torque wrench.