
If the "Game of Life" bothers you that much, then I can understand how you have problems with indie sim games. I'd suggest you just sit in a corner and read Dr. Seuss books so as not to be incensed, but that hat on that cat looks rather phallic now doesn't it?



We 'know' what we're doing.

Yeah, I noticed the DinoPark typo, but couldn't figure out how/if I could correct it. The Prison Architect game isn't about America's current imprisonment fetish at all, it's a game about managing a prison.

It's not OK that Chess and Risk oversimplify the huge issue of war into games either, I suppose.

Nnnnnnnope, It is just a game. No one should expect "realism" or "a responsible social model" from this game any more-so than from Dinosaur Tycoon. I don't care what you're a professor of, sir, you should maybe ride a horse with shorter stilts on.

its re-writing their story because he thinks he can do better.

This guy could have wrote his own 400 page story but instead piggy backs off of somebody else's work and insults them in the process.

Any time you ask, "Am I the only..." on the internet, the answer is likely "No" regardless of the question.
It's not even worth phrasing your questions that way.

Critique is a part of art, the end. Don't want opinions on your work? Don't share it with the world.

Bioware also told people that their choices would matter across all three games, then completely ruined it with the ending that they rushed out. So who's more of an asshat, the company that makes promises to people that they can't keep, or the guy that tries to do what he feels should have been done in the first

Totally ^_^

"Speak for yourself."

Cartoon Network has a great track record of being idiots and cancelling some good stuff while keeping crap.

When GTA San Andreas came out I left the console running while I went to the store. When I came back I heard my mum laughing in tears after a rampage thru Los Santos. When I had put the groceries inn she had found the police shower, and were swinging the weapon you find there killing everything that moved. All while

Also, it's worth mentioning that some presidents don't need the Bad Dudes to save 'em.

It's true, your honor. This man has no dick.

Do you guys remember Ghostbusters: The Video Game?

Hey, blame Walter Peck.

Let us compare that to the amount of damage the Avengers caused, or the Transformers - versus the impact of the threats they faced.

Some bunny cafes allow patrons the opportunity to purchase the animals (they're basically pet shops with coffee and deserts), while other do not.