Yeah, it's not like Ron Paul put his name on a newsletter that ran extremely racist screeds or anything, right? Naw. Never happened.
Yeah, it's not like Ron Paul put his name on a newsletter that ran extremely racist screeds or anything, right? Naw. Never happened.
I've been howled at for it before, but I definitely prefer physical media over digital delivery. Digital is incredibly convenient—and on my PC, it's rapidly becoming the standard delivery medium for most of my games, thanks to Steam—but there's a certain sense of security (to say nothing of…
You mean the future where you own nothing? Sounds like a good fight to me.
Oh look. more ammo in the fight against the digital only "future"
Cos as we all know, being quiet solves everything :) History is full of quality examples!
The truth is that anything you can make a living at is a "real job," no matter how strange or off-putting it is. My real job is writing about phones and video games on the Internet all day. I make enough to get by, and more than I might otherwise be making in another with my education and experience.
true, but you can say that about any job... Look at the people who use to work for enron, or hostess (before the comeback).
And what makes you the arbiter of worthwhile-ness and productive-ness?
You can say that about any kind of media.
If what you do gets you paid's a real job.
What an incredibly callous thing to say.
Er... ANYONE would be mad if their main source of revenue was threatened. That's sort of the point he, and dozens of others, are making.
Wow. A lot of cynical people in these comments.
People who are screaming at these folks to "get a real job," are clearly the kind of closed minded know-it-alls who don't think musicians or artist have real jobs either and don't deserve the security. Just because you hate your job despite its practicality doesn't mean everyone else has to.
Nice try. What he does is a real job. If you claim Angry Joe doesn't have a real job then that means no video game critic/journalist has a "real" job. He does everything any game journalist/critic does and he does it all by himself.
Because people chose a different livelihood than you, they deserve to be punished?
And what makes this job any worse than stacking shelves at a supermarket?
Do you think you're on Deadspin?