
Hope: "Horror is kind of about not knowing and feeling underpowered and underprepared for what you're confronted with."

I asked developer Creative Assembly's creative lead/writer, Alistair Hope, about survival horror, guns, and the legacy left behind by Aliens: Colonial Marines. "We were never going to put a pulse rifle in this game," he said. "It's just not what this game is about. This game is about survival, it's not about killing.

I'm pretty sure the "not murdering people" thing is A: broken by God's command multiple times and B: something that predates the bible. As though "not killing" was some novel concept.

The fist scares me.

Bottom line: They're click bait. Gawker needs ad revenue. It's a symbiotic relationship.

My, aren't we setting the bar low.

They'll show it when she starts to lose her shock value in an attempt to drag readers back into the frenzy.

Would you like to go back and re-read your comment? First you admit you don't know what research she's talking about and then you say life experience doesn't disprove the statistics. Statistics you don't have and are taking completely on faith.

No we don't. Most of those laws involve dietary and social rules for desert dwelling tribes 2000 years ago.

In the latest episode of her YouTube video series "Tropes vs. Women," critic Anita Sarkeesian examines how female characters are often consigned to the background of popular video games. As with all of Sarkeesian's work in the Feminist Frequency series, this is required watching for any gamers with a strong interest

Jesus. o.o That sounds pretty serious.

That's what happens when you dominate any particular field. You don't need to give a damn since where are people going to go? Origin?

"Timmy as an individual indeed had some of his personal developer/publisher permissions revoked by Valve staff, which is a penalty he will no doubt feel very harshly", Sebor adds. "He has some hard work ahead of him to learn the trust back." "He's a good kid, I trust that he will grow wiser with time."

They were also quick on the banhammer. Duda has been banned from community aspects (like forums) for 12 months as a user, but he's also locked out of some developer stuff as well. Messing with Steam's code, no matter how harmless the intentions, is something Valve obviously takes pretty seriously.

Tasers also allow you to non-lethally subdue enemies for an interrogation, or kill them if you zap them long enough

The first, "Marked for Death," pits two teams of six against each other, with one member of each team being—you guessed it—marked for death. The rest of the team have to protect the target while trying to kill the opposing team's in turn.

One guy is not "far more". And I notice you swapped left for Democrat as though those things were synonymous.

Do we? Hm..........nope. Don't see much orgasm simulator attacks (Mass Effect). I will grant you PETA's bullshit, but a lot of us disown them big time.

When you close your eyes and imagine Power Stone 2 online...how much do you want it? I want it LOTS.