My favorites are "Some psychology major is masturbating furiously to the chat right now." and "Dark Souls next time, guys?"
My favorites are "Some psychology major is masturbating furiously to the chat right now." and "Dark Souls next time, guys?"
Man, that show. It got me into Figuarts.
Not to mention the bible everything.
Hello fellow West-Coaster. I love me some In-N-Out. Ever order anything off the secret menu? =P
What is that from?
It was done by the same artist.
Lady GaGa is based on Jigglypuff? Huh.
Did you ever read the sequel novels? Story by George Lucas, written by Chris Claremont.
This remains the best My Little Pony video ever.
Buy the soundtrack like I did. =) I listened to it a lot.
The snark is strong in this one. =)
I think I still have the PS IV strategy guide.
Played the role like he was fucking Darkseid. Remember him power-walking into Castle Grayskull?
In order to level up Monster Monpiece cards, they must be stroked. There is no getting around it. For some reason Compile Heart felt this was a mechanic that simply had to be.
It looks like he's criticizing the other guy's personal hygiene.
I had that. The only downside is the board didn't rotate on the other player's turn.
That's not just board games, is it? I deal with that a lot in video games. Battlefield is a source of great frustration.
The snark is strong in this one. =)
I've been tackling controversial topics in my games before, and I believe there's nothing inherently wrong in the choice of a subject. It's the way a subject is treated, the way a real-world phenomenon is translated into a playable model that is susceptible of criticism.