Wit is periodically disensouled

@Asmo: I think so too. I think there's probably a fuzzy line there between frustrated guys with battered self esteem who are just temporarily behaving stupidly (with all affection, because I've known and loved a few), and utter douchebags who aren't going to change.

@CheeseSandwich: The real, honest-to-goodness nice guys are a rare breed and are usually taken so fast it's ridiculous.

I had a friend in college who was, for want of a better word, an idiot.

"The results suggest that narcissistic hostility is associated with a group's potential to provide or withhold gratification rather than ideology about a group's sexual orientation or conformity to heterosexual gender roles."

More than anything, this quotation reinforces my belief that there should be a permit and licensing process before people are allowed to use analogies.

@AtomiClash humanitarian misanthrope: I had the same thought, then I flashed to a lecture I once got on the whole Adam and Eve and apparently that hasn't been okay since Eve gave Adam lustful thoughts along with a bite of apple.

Apparently immodesty is anything that reminds them that you're a woman.

@amethysts: It might have something to do with the fact that wool is supposed to wick away moisture while cotton retains it. Beyond that, I've got nothing.

@Cairn: There are plenty, actually where I am in NY state. As long as they serve food, they can admit minors. They just can't serve them alcohol.

@I, Zombie Normal: I was taken to a lot of bars, too - my mother was not an alcoholic so much as a business woman in the 80's and 90's who didn't golf. I was lucky not to get leered at or witness any debauchery, and I don't think I was ever really a problem for the adults there, but I still think this woman is pretty

@bluebears: Let's not forget mixed metaphors. I'm still trying to imagine how lines can be porous.

It's almost as if once we grow older (evidently not "up") we go from "I am rubber and you are glue" to "I have fans and you're a shrew."

"And for those whose nightmares of a horrific event become a torment of their own, there's nothing wrong with replacing them with birds."

Turn it into an Epic Bad Day and enjoy it. There was one day recently that by noon seemed cursed and there was a dark cloud looming over my head by the time I went out to lunch. That might explain why I didn't notice the non-metaphorical ominous clouds which were looming concurrently. Then the skies opened up and I

My parents took to using separate bedrooms when my dad underwent chemo the first time, and have pretty much kept it that way since then. The major issue seems to be that dad kept the nice bed while mom moved out to the twin-sized daybed with the crappy mattress in her office.

God Hates Fangs:

@NefariousNewt: I don't think it makes it all right, but I do think it makes it less criminal.

I saw this when Consumerist threw it up earlier and was less than pleased with the quality of the research. The items have the same list price (one's on sale) and it isn't really a case of one being a boys' version, as the picture on the front of the "boy's version" is of a girl. I'm not sure where they're getting

c1990: The Rowan published?