
Russia should just make a series called Flint.

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

Personally, I like that they’re not faking Russian accents, since it usually comes across as cartoonist. I suppose Russian actors would have been a good idea, but, then you have to find enough that can speak English well enough to really pull off all the parts.

You’ll notice that there’s actually not a huge variety of cars, compared to what we’re used to in the West.

That means there are approximately 7 real profiles that were exposed...

Until and unless someone’s arm literally detaches during the throw, 50 Cent’s first pitch to Mars via the Queensboro Bridge will forever be the worst.

The deaths of my heroes allow me to focus on what is truly important: me.

Hawaii to do list:

Honestly, there’s no reason for anyone to take over the role of Indiana Jones. Create a new character with his or her own backstory and launch a new franchise. 

Hate to break it to that guy but the kid doesn’t look anything like him.

What kind of fulltime job can pay for university in 4 years?

They didn’t know if they wanted a British accent or not. So, you did it in both.

I wish I could do this at the salon. 

Engine starts with ‘E’ and radiator starts with ‘R’, therefor the radiator goes after the engine.

There once was an idiot from Limerick,

Get well Drew.

“This is some pretty heavy stuff.”

Don’t worry. He’s having a proxy sue the FDA even as I’m typing this.

Yeah, you hear that, cat!? I’ll make you work for your damn food, because I’m in charge, and I’m in control on MY life and you aren’t the boss of me and...oh who am I kidding, yeah, I’ll get you another can of wet food, just hold on a second.