The Ukrainians are at least making Russia bleed for every inch of land. If reports are accurate Ukes are killing them like, five to one which is wild.
The Ukrainians are at least making Russia bleed for every inch of land. If reports are accurate Ukes are killing them like, five to one which is wild.
(For the record, I was making a joke about infamous trademark troll Monster energy drinks:
Lovecraft has no platform with which to speak in order to propagate hate-speech. Rowling indulges in this practice nigh constantly, and is vocal that she uses her platform to spread such speech.
I would argue Lovecraft is different for two reasons:
“Heck, you can google his name and it’s rarely (or briefly) brought up these days.”
no it isn’t. if you hate her that much you just shouldn’t consume her content. plain and simple. advocating stealing (not just from her but everybody involved) makes you the same or even worse (depends on pov).
My main disagreement with this comes in two forms.
And as a librarian, Rowling has much higher circs than Lovecraft and Seuss combined - and that’s before adding in the transphobic thrillers she writes under a male pseudonym. To pretend that her reach is comparable to that of deceased racists is intellectual dishonesty at best.
This is the correct take. If you can’t take a stand because harry potter was your childhood or whatever dumbass excuse people will use to contort themselves and/or their morals, then at least read a r/piracy how to and sate your addiction while not paying the cartel pushing it. Two wrongs can make a right!
I think that boycotting HP is less about inflicting actual fiscal harm— which as you’ve pointed out is moot— and more about forcing her out of the mainstream. Any hateful artist should have to reckon with that, and there should always be an asterisk appended to her works.
You can’t embrace Lovecraft or allow him among your circle though.
Lovecraft was never the figurehead of a genocidal hate movement.
Lovecraft has been dead for 80 years, the problem with endlessly milking the Potter franchise is that it gives money to a hatemonger who openly and actively funnels it into harming a minority group.
Also a lot of modern Lovecraft inspired work does engage with his awful racism and xenophobia - Lovecraft Country being one of many recent ones that included a TV show on HBO.
The difference is that Lovecraft is dead and his works are out of copyright. No one’s enriching him by engaging with his stories.
Whether or not Kotick is right or wrong, or anything really, he’s just a piece of shit and should just shut up and sit down.
nah, absolutely not. They would not even reach parity compared to Sonys acqusitions since the Playstation1-days. Sony is the undisputed king of exclusives, timed exclusives, bonus deals (items only for sony customers) and buying studios outright.
“Hey everyone! Let’s stop what we’re doing and let Bobby Kotick lecture us about morality and decency in business!”
I can only assume he comes out of the deal with a dump truck full of money. To put on top of his pile of dump trucks full of money. You’d think a guy who’s rich like that would know dump trucks are a bad way to store money.
Bobby Motick is a piece of shit, who cares what he has to say.