And now for the unrelated comment of the day, does anyone know what pet lives in the cage behind him?
And now for the unrelated comment of the day, does anyone know what pet lives in the cage behind him?
The book has been around for a while. If I recall it was initially for the Devs to give their kids, and it then got a wider release to the public for fun?
I think I saw the newest Destiny Collection comes with a freebie ticket to level up one character immediately to lvl40, so you might wanna look into that. That way, you can level up ‘organically’ or just hit 40, or both.
Right? 99% of the time if I just casually got on at the hub-temple and made it go, somehow I’d end up at the next boss entrance. Funny how that happens when you chill out and don’t try to use reins like a steering wheel.
We ‘control’ Trico through signals to get his attention and tell him what to do. People were ‘signalling’ Agro the exact same way, only with reins, and there were quite a few complaints at original SOTC release that were an exact mimic of these concerns.
I see a lot of people pre-complaining about how Trico’s gonna handle like an animal and not like a machine, but then turn around and in the same breath just demand PS4 Shadow of The Colossus. I think a lot of people are forgetting the rage surrounding Agro’s controlling, because a horse didn’t behave like a truck.
Check the thread again, because they did find Sandworm information and effects. So it’s absolutely still on the table for existing in the game.
How do you know the new countries are not individual server/s so for every new one added it takes the load off of existing country servers with a lot of unwanted out-of-country traffic?
These gatherings often happen at night, at least around here, because the servers are SO bogged down they’re just spotty as hell and unpleasant during the day. I wonder/bet this will spread out a bit more evenly once the servers smooth out. As it is now I feel like there’s a perfect storm brewing of Good Spots +…
If the amazing amount of signs I’ve seen and coupons being given out are any indication, businesses freaking LOVE it and are currently seeing a big boom (within the US).
Maybe I missed it from work-skimming, but what’s in the Lucky Eggs?
I’m pretty sure that designing an original gun doesn’t involve copying the exact same greeble details. You’re crazy if you think every single gun in the first example’s shape has the exact same panelling seams and bolts on the back end.
Truly beautiful. That’s exactly the quality content I came to see.
Oh my god. I love mac n cheese bites*. I love cheetos. Will this be my match made in heaven!?
*sonic made some amazing mac n’ cheese bites, and I’m eternally sad that I’ve never seen them sold again. ;_;
I mean, as a reptile lover, snakes typically guard their eggs/hatchlings for at least 2-3 months, often ignoring food and water to do so. Sounds a hell of a lot more care than this douchebag.
I promise I’m not that person that rolls onto the Destiny news all, ‘does anyone even play this? harhar’
All I wanna know is if there’s a frickin’ ghoul whale yet. I can wait for the rest, but I need that whale.
Now I don’t have to be that person!
Nah dude see, I write and record and talk unscripted all the damn time, and yet somehow those sorts of phrases would never occur to me because I inherently think they’re completely gross, outdated and uncalled for.