I want a bookmark archiver in my browser that is for me to use and not for Facebook to use collecting everything that I do, say or read... cause, you know... Fuck Facebook.
I want a bookmark archiver in my browser that is for me to use and not for Facebook to use collecting everything that I do, say or read... cause, you know... Fuck Facebook.
Is it just me or does your comment intentionally sound like you think all customers are fucking pricks just for calling.... Just asking?
Yeah, like anyone would admit to being Hitlers cousin.
Noriega's cousin????
Uh... yeah you can. Its called public figure and freedom of speech. I can call whomever I want an asshole. At least here in the US I can do so. The only thing I can't do is slander someone intentionally for which I can be sued. I don't know where the international laws kick in, but here we can say whatever we want as…
Ive never used my real name on google or Facebook and never gotten any push back but they also need to realize that in some cases you may not be able to get your real name or handle. How many John Smiths are there?
I spent 8 years traveling around the world for work and countless air miles for personal travel. To this day, it still amazes me that those things get off the ground and do what they do. And I Still smile EVERY time we take off.
Its Craigslist. You're probably gonna get kidnapped and raped and killed by some crackhead Bonnie & Clyde wannabe anyway so why worry about it.
We have a lockable handle below but never lock it. This one does not lock automatically although they makes ones that do. We decided against those because (I don't remember exactly) but after reading the reviews on Amazon, I think that there could be some issues with it not locking or with the auto lock mechanism…
Thats disgusting. I want my own milk.
I think he was trying to be funny. And it was.... a little.
That doesn't make sense. If you are creating an account then you would have to make the exact same typo twice in most cases. If its an established account then I will be copying it from the place where I keep my passwords.
Why should you have to buy a safe because people are douche bags?
People who like dick.
We got ours from Amazon. They are very sturdy and I am very happy with them, but yes 6 or 8 would be better. The master code is 8 digits so I don't get why the user codes can't be as well.
Desecration of human remains is illegal plain and simple.
This is a woman's site? I thought it was a dating site and came here to find a wife to cook my meals and bring me my slippers! (ducking now)
I never understand when sites do that. I have bothered to create very complex passwords and I use PP all the time. Passwords Im not going to remember very easily. If I can't copy and past it from my password manager, Im probably going to be inclined to create one I can remember that would probably be arguably less…
Hate to tell you this. I think the point is that those springs can go bad and they tend to do so when supporting the weight of the door. You don't want your foot under there (or your kid) when they pop. They also have a habit of jumping the track or the belt slipping off when they do. (I've seen it happen) That WILL…