Looks like he's throwing up into that cup.
Looks like he's throwing up into that cup.
At my old office, I put a two of those fake video cameras in the lunch room aimed at the fridge from two different directions. They didn't even do anything but blink, but people stopped stealing food.
It is only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize that problems can be solved without violence.
I saw a guy do something like that to a HUGE wasps nest in a tree while I was living in Cambodia. Threw gas on the tree, lit it and stood there while they fell away. Insect carnage at its most glorious.
As I said.... I got nothing against them. I do have a child that is dramatically allergic to them. If they stay away Ive got no issues with them. When they set up house under a gutter or window ledge then sorry, all bets are off.
Wasps aren't a nuisance? I got nothing against them. I do have a child that is dramatically allergic to them. If they stay away Ive got no issues with them. When they set up house under a gutter or window ledge then sorry, all bets are off.
Works for Wasps and Bees too if you use just plain Sugar water or soft drink like Mountain Dew.
Todays kids are spoiled and have no imagination.
I'm going to guess that a company that charges by the piece has appropriate machines to count them?
Gawker people like to argue. You could say "the sky is blue some of the time and that it isn't at other times" and people would give you shit about it. Just ignore them.
Wait until the vulcans land. They will give us warp drive. I just read that Wikipedia article... Ok, I just looked at the Wikipedia article. Didn't understand a damned thing they said. I like the Scotty version better.
If you like the lemony taste, order some citric acid and use that in a dry rub mixed with garlic or other flavors you like. Citric acid is both salty and lemony but won't dry out your meats.
All I want to know is why do people keep putting SHITTY FUCKING MUSIC in these videos?
No shit!
Should amend article to include SPAM features or not. This is important.
You're doing it wrong!
They do however allow apps that let you hook up so someone else can uh... Play with your lady bits. It's just all in the presentation I guess.
Sold it to google, just in time then.
Even if it is out of warranty, Apple employees at the Apple Store are usually pretty cool if you just walk in and say "this won't stay in the outlet." I had an Apple Aluminum Keyboard stop working from Amazon after 18 months. I took it into the store and the guy asked me when I bought it. I was honest about it and he…
and.... Love the fact that they use a 50k shooting rig, and a $300 phone. Thats style.