
So what’s your beef exactly, other than the diff? I mean you’re getting near 200hp stock turbo that could be tuned im sure, a 6 speed. If they’ve found a new way to tune the suspension to make a limited slip diff not that important than why not at least wait to see if it works?

Except Toyota and Subaru maintain that the BRZ/GT86 has sold above their expectations. So maybe they were more successful than you perceive them to be? 

Extra money? You do know the country it $20 BILLION in debt right?

That’s a pretty shitty comment to make. Does your mommy still change your diapers?

Jalopnik isn’t JUST cars. This is transportation related. I don’t disagree with leaving the politics off Jalopnik. Even the best writers risk loosing half of their audience when they make stupid assumptions about what they think is the right way to believe.

How about motorcycle riders drive safely for a change. I’ve seen 2 bike wrecks in the last year and both times the riders was doing something stupid. And what’s with the ear-splitting exhaust? No reason at all for that. Just a bunch of small penis having peacocks.

Or just stop making exceptions for the worst offenders and let it be fair. Why does an SUV get to have worse fuel economy than a regular passenger car? They are used the same, travel the same roads, why aren’t they regulated the same?

When will thugs stop packing guns and pulling them on the Police?

Your position is valid. New-fangled tech or not, it’s a cramped econobox. It’s competitors are the Nissan Versa and Ford Fiesta, not other $30K plus full sized family sedans or sports cars. $20-$25K is about as far as I’d think reasonable, and that’s being very generous because it gets the $7500 credit.

Maybe she liked it in the rear....

“...the snappiness of the cars was considered a feature.”

23 overdoses and 2 deaths this month so far in my little town of 25,000. That’s just the reported cases. This is out of control. So any publicity is good publicity at this point. Coddling addicts who are putting other people at risk is not the answer. I don’t want to condemn them for what they’re suffering through,

Umm, they are supposed to photograph these scenes. It becomes this thing called evidence. There is a crime happening here and they documented it. That’s what they are supposed to do.

This is what’s wrong with the perception of business in America. Businesses are there to make money. That’s what they do. They aren’t social outreach programs or charity organizations. When they start making business decisions based on anything except good business, and start letting social issues and political

Did difference, in the Air Force’s defense, is that the Phantom was equipped with guided missiles versus unguided rockets like the Scorpion. So they expected to be able to hit a target.

Before this election cycle it was a wonderful machine, an icon of a bygone era. But since the Gawker’s liberalitis has trickled into Jalopnik, it can’t just be an interesting car that was once owned by Trump, it has to be nasty, ridiculous, bloated and absurd. Then maybe you will associate those qualities with Trump,

What real man drives a vertically challenged minivan? Wagons are for wienies. Brown diesel ones included.

Coupe. Probably the only chance he has of having one for the next 18 years.

“At least, if you didn’t have to close your eyes and clutch your pearls. I did a few times.”

Great question. The US market coudn’t support CART and INDY seperately, so what makes them think F1 will do better? And what happens to INDY if F1 pulls away viewers?