So you can crack dumb-assed jokes about a “manhood” segment about where they try to change a tire, but find no correlation to your own “manhood” blog about changing a tire on Deadspin? At least their version was entertaining. Yours was just boring.
So you can crack dumb-assed jokes about a “manhood” segment about where they try to change a tire, but find no correlation to your own “manhood” blog about changing a tire on Deadspin? At least their version was entertaining. Yours was just boring.
Let’s do some fact checking here.
I think if the estimate was anything over a few minutes they were sandbagging a lot. A full carrier air wing could decimate a small town in a single pass if properly armed. They could theoretically make surgical strikes against utilities and bridges, but they also have the capacity to blow the shit out of things.
You must not spend much time in salvage yards. It’s basically a car landfill where cars sit and rust for decades, many decades. And the point is that there isn’t a profit to be had. They would have to be refurbished to be resold, and that market doesn’t exist at the moment, and probably because it isn’t profitable.…
Question Mr. Lehto...
Maybe you haven’t noticed that oil is recyclable. There is a whole market for used oils, a whole market of recycled oil products. Do you really think Jiffy Lube just dumps out waste oil into the local river? Unless you’re changing it and dumping yourself, it’s re-used many times.
If only that were true. I’ve been to the local pick-n-pull several times for my wife’s Camry, and there are hybrid cars strewn about mixed in with everything else out there, batteries still inside. It takes man-hours to yank those batteries out, and it’s potentially hazardous for the worker. With no financial…
Finally someone feels free to print real facts that dispute hybrid tech’s savior status. It’s always been a farce. It doesn’t do anything to save the environment, just makes shallow and uneducated people think they are.
Maybe it’s just because she’s ugly. Why would a successful 55 year old man choose to have an affair with someone who is ugly? I’m still dumbfounded every time I see The Dark Knight because I don’t know why of all the beautiful women in Hollywood they choose her to be the love interest of 2 extremely successful men who…
I applaud you for releasing the specs early. I know some people don’t agree, but any journalist worth a damn reports the news, and that was news. If it’s some secret info where lives are at stake, that’s a different story.
It’s just good business really. Land for building enormous plants is cheaper, the states are more likely to give incentives to bring in good jobs, and willing to build infrastructure around them. The unions are a big part I think, at least as far as the UAW is concerned. Unlike what many people think, the south isn’t…
I think that was part of the explanation from our service manager, but on paper. He was always good with the customers.
I sold for a couple of years and I have a few whoppers, but this is kin of funny.
Because what else is there? Who is writing original material nowadays? When is the last truly original movie or television came out of Hollywood? They are there to cash checks, and this stuff sells. Besides, where are the authors who are creating new worlds and characters that haven’t been copied a hundred times over?…
Maybe that will change in the next sequel, seeing as her and Cap are all that’s left.
Agreed. It’s obvious in a few places that more story exists, and is needed. I know there’s some stigma against 3 hour movies, but sometimes it’s necessary to tell the story.
Seeing as the only place they go is online, why do they need cars at all?
Such a bloated statistic. Besides the people that have multiple accounts, and the made up people just for accounts, there are probably MILLIONS of accounts that haven’t been used in years. They just make it so friggin hard to delete it’s easier to just abandon. So sure, waste time spamming a dormant account, that…
I’m with you. I deleted my accounts a couple years ago and don’t miss them at all. The last thing I want is to me bombarded by spam every hour of the day. If you want me to buy a car from you, give me a good price and decent customer service. Save the junk mail for the USPS.