It looks great, but it seems that there will be parts of this game that I get stuck on.
It looks great, but it seems that there will be parts of this game that I get stuck on.
The only Jew I have ever seen in a video game was in Exodus for the NES. Don't be fooled by the soundtrack of "Father Abraham" in the background. That's Moses. Thanks for the subtlety and attention to detail Wisdom Tree.
This guy counts DC Comics as a "sin" in every DC video he puts out. Maybe Disney is paying him to do it.
I think both parties are coming out on top here. The games, though he plays them horribly and attempts to break them, are receiving a level of exposure that they would not normally receive. Also, the bits are hilarious. It reminds me of being in college and making someone who isn't into games play Smash Bros. He hates…
Brothers has a strange plotline... and NARRATOR. Who is this Machinima the voice keeps talking about? From what I can tell the story takes place in an agricultural society, WITHOUT MACHINES! This Machinima must be pretty evil; the narrator seems to hate him. He sounds upset. I hope these brothers stay away from…
Kenway has lung cancer now. Thanks Nvidia.
If only he wasn't a child.
The Rubik's cube could use more than three shades; as it is, it looks unsolvable.
I have my Mac laptop for work. It is not my serious gaming machine. I mostly play indies on it. Although, I am pleasantly surprised at what it can do. I don't think I would ever buy a game like Bioshock Infinite for my Mac, however. My question was mostly a in response to Amazon's strange pricing than the hope of me…
I am very confused by Amazon video game sales. $10 for the PC Bioshock Infinite, but the DRM is a Steam download code. Makes sense, but Bioshock Infinite is Steamplay and available for Mac on Steam. But the Amazon price for the Mac equivalent is $39.99?!?! What is the deal with this system? It doesn't make sense.
Oh, yeah. Slugs. Weird thing to forget. But I still think the population drop from consistent murders would still have an effect. I think I need to replay this game now.
They are only harvesting Adam... and from an ever dwindling population. Eve was produced by the doctors in the game who were already dead before the player arrives.
But we didn't really get a chance to interact with most of those people. In fact, most of them were already dead by the time the game started. So the supply was immediately cut off, but the city still keeps chugging along, producing NPC lunatic clones.
I guess you're right, but I think an underwater society would collapse pretty quickly if there was no one to maintain it. The people in the game seem to be going around surviving without any desire to maintain the city. And I'm not sure of the timeline, but it seemed to have been that way for some time.
But... an entire underwater society where everyone is addicted doesn't seem as sustainable as it is portrayed.