This is more what I wanted from the original Bioshock. The world was definitely too hostile to be realistic. There were a lot of (apparently) sentient beings roaming around, but all they seemed to want to do was kill me to get my Adam.
This is more what I wanted from the original Bioshock. The world was definitely too hostile to be realistic. There were a lot of (apparently) sentient beings roaming around, but all they seemed to want to do was kill me to get my Adam.
3 Models.
My favorite part was in the first half when the Bears scored four touchdowns on four consecutive downs and only got credit for one.
I can't imagine that Naughty Dog didn't have PS4 dev kits before now, so perhaps this collection of dev kits is meant to replace or supplement their current dev kits.
Hey Shane. Unless you're privy to any information we are not, I don't think Papo & Yo is available on Mac. Fingers crossed though!
I cannot un-see Leonardo.
Why is it so cheap? I thought this was going to be a $40 price point? Short campaign? Not a lot of variety in levels?
Is it a breach of continuity to have items in Arkham Origins (2013) which appeared in Arkham City (2011) but not in Arkham Asylum (2009)?
I agree with this completely. PS3 online was definitely not as good.
The Xbox kinda turned into an FPS machine. Not that that's bad, but I think the variety of games was far greater on the PS3.
Though I take some issue with Sarkeesian's research, I am extremely happy with Derek Yu's response to the situation. I'm glad that he can critique his own work, and I think it sets a good example for how devs should respond to criticism.
Good scholarship about gender issues shouldn't depend on the gender of the writer for validation. Being "personally wronged" should not be the issue at hand. If she wants to look at gender in games from a neutral standpoint, she shouldn't present examples from a personal perspective. Rather she should present them as…
The main contention I have with this work is that Sarkeesian frames a specific plot device as "problematic" and calls it "wrong" over and over again. Real scholarship and research would never present such bias in an analysis.
Okay, are we sure about Prey 2? Newegg has December 31 as the release date. I feel like I would have heard something if that were actually the case.
Full disclosure... white, male, Kotaku reader... Yes, there is a hugely disproportionate amount of male leads in games. The gaming culture needs to recognize that if we are to be taken seriously as an artform, we should embrace the narrative possibilities of females in lead roles. That is not to say that there have…
The man may sometimes get a bad rap (much like the pre-racist butter pushing Paula), but I've made some of his recipes, and they're killer.
Alan Wake is PC only on Steam, so his Mac might have a rough time with that. Maybe he uses bootcamp. I am really only posting because I have a Mac and I don't regret buying the Alan Wake bundle. Maybe someday.