I don’t like doing basic research either. Google scares and intimidates me. Maybe I should apply to Deadspin.
I don’t like doing basic research either. Google scares and intimidates me. Maybe I should apply to Deadspin.
Too much to ask for a writer here to do research, edit, or have extensive knowledge of anything they write.
Cause there was a chance the democrats would praise this?
1981 also does not a millenial make.
Someone 37 ain’t a millennial. And how are we acting like 37 is so different than 41 like their childhood experiences were worlds apart. 4 years, seriously. Some group draws an imaginary line in the sand and suddenly people born a year or so apart have different view points and experiences. Not how it works. Someone…
Granted it was a FG, but you could say he Cundiffed it.
Happens all the time in sports when a coach is banned. Sorry, can't come in.
There can be only one.
Is that person you? Cause castration doesn’t involve his . . . “spigot”.
But without Clemson this game wouldn't have existed for him to get rocked. So obviously it's more important.
To your first part it is a show like any other. Some like it, some don’t. Thinking that because you don’t like a show something is wrong with the people that do says more about you than them.
3rd party sellers can send items to the amazon warehouse and they are packaged and shipped by amazon and are available for prime shipping/benefits. But the seller sets the prices. You can always see who sells it. Amazon itself doesn’t scalp in my experience by many people who sell on amazon do. And yes, it can “all…
3rd party sellers can send items to the amazon warehouse and they are packaged and shipped by amazon and are…
It sounds like this "Mr. Loophole" is a traffic court specialist. Unless he has an entire law firm on retainer, why would he have a traffic court guy? Guess if you're expecting a bunch of dui's . . .
That isnt Amazon themselves as 3rd party sellers. If you can't tell the diff and dont do the research before buying I dont know what to tell ya.
That isnt Amazon themselves as 3rd party sellers. If you can't tell the diff and dont do the research before buying…
Makes sense.
Most of those, if not all, were licensing deals to a 3rd party and mostly sucked. These are 1st party produced systems, not 3rd party licensing deals.
So you're saying they won't matter.
Every mini spotlight I spot, ha!, is a civilian car bought at auto auction.
More often than not when I see that it isn't a cop car, or at least not anymore.
Then there is the fuckers who buy a used unmarked and leave the spot light on the side.