William Miller

Title writer couldn't believe it was a 8tb drive either.

Title writer couldn't believe it was a 8tb drive either.

Couldn’t we say serena ruined it for naomi? Her coach was coaching from the stands and she threw some temper tantrums with her usual diatribe about not cheating because of setting an example for her daughter. The same rant she has gone on before. And called the ref a thief even though he followed the rules and her

Give the QB a shotgun.

If the check wasnt right, why take the fight? After doing that I can't see it helping his career going forward. Who wants to pay him anything when he could accept and then do this as a "point"?

There was a LONG time from when they first sold out til more were made available. If a scalper didn’t sell them all in that time then they are just a bad business person.

Nanites use a cr1220 watch battery. AAAs are too big.

There was always a chance to start heating up with the right game.

No show socks with sandals kinda defeats the point . . .

No show socks with sandals kinda defeats the point . . .

I find "You must be fun at parties" the most over used comeback online when you don't like what you hear.

Who cares if your taste in clothes isn't the same?

To be fair they would probably hit to the weakest male player and hit it so hard they grunted in an all male league. If they hit it to a female player and she IS the weakest player, that's good strategy. If they hit it to her and she isn't, that's sexist and just stupid play and the team should be happy they aren't

Once a year it does.

So you got CTE?

Wait, wait, wait. So climate change causes CTE?

An over 2 year old 12" laptop is a blowing out kind of sale at a grand. Damn Apple.

An over 2 year old 12" laptop is a blowing out kind of sale at a grand. Damn Apple.

Three coins in the fountain David.

That’s what they do with Sunday ticket and pay per view fights. They have the much more expensive fee for commercial viewings vs personal. Same if you wanna publicly show a movie. But part of a copyright is not allowing someone to use your work like you don't want them to. Can't force someone to let you use their

I didn't do it, and even if I do I was too drunk to remember. So don't worry about the dead hooker in my trunk, it's all good.

These aren’t archivists, regardless of what they call themselves. They are collectors.

Technically they can’t redistribute it either, even like he was doing to a small group for free. If you don’t own the copyright you cannot legally give a copy of it to anyone, at least in US, can’t speak for Japan. That infringes on the actually copyrights holders rights.