
I think it's hilarious that their Youth League are called the Child Predators.

Also as a preventative. If I smoke while I drink, I tend to go to sleep earlier and not drink as much.

According to the article: "Thankfully, their lack of access to basic oral hygiene should make their transition into British life much easier."


Also, I'm a tortilla snob too. I always had to specify "corn tortillas" because when they see a white person ordering tacos they assume we want flour lol. Corn ones are a million times better anyday. Flour tortillas are so bland.

Dude, there really are lots of good taco places in Austin. I mean it's only an hour from SA, ese, so it's not like there's gonna be a huge dropoff lol. Just go to the, for lack of a better term, "Mexican" parts of Austin and look for the dirtiest, most run down looking restaurants or taco trucks. Those are usually the

Tried Torchy's and was unimpressed. I didn't really like any of the places in Austin that spoke English well lol. My absolute favorite was this place on Manor Rd, I don't think it even had a name, but it was a window between a convenience store and a laundromat that you walked up to and ordered. Damn, the memory is

So the resultant diarrhea from tacos is not a cleanse? I feel like my six years in Austin was wasted.

I'm in western MD, and I concur. I usually have to watch Saints games online. Love being able to see this one on the normal TV.

Great article, and even though my opinion means less than shit, thank you for not carpet bombing it with "because reasons!" frivolity. It was an entertaining, informative read, and I didn't cringe at all from cutesy, overused phrases. Thank you, Lindy. I continue to be a fan. But like I said, my opinion means nothing,

Yes. This scenario you just laid out could actually happen. In the real world. I guess any weird convoluted scenario is actually possible, but I'd love to see an instance where it actually happened. Of course, I'm from the Deep South, so I've never met a black person who would actually snitch to HR about 2 other black

"jill off." Thank you for this. I haven't heard that phrase since this girl I dated in the late 90s. I love it.

It is nothing whatsoever like sexual harassment. If a male calls a female coworker a "bitch" or a "cunt," of course that is wrong, and that is obvious to all thinking people. If two women are talking and one says "bitch you crazy" that is NOT the same at all as a man calling a woman a bitch. If a white person says

Yes! Study after study after study has shown that as long as there is no abuse or neglect, kids turn out pretty much okay. Although some parents hate this fact, it's been shown multiple times that once kids reach school age, peers play a far more important role in forming their ideas and beliefs than parents ever can.

Is she the "Teaches of Peaches" peaches, or someone who has talent?

Thanks for using the correct singular of paparazzi. Komiko-tan taught me that.

Hey, you read the comments on Jezebel too!

"while representing them..." So if two black employees, in a conversation with each other, use the word "nigga," then it's okay? Like is your policy strictly for when they are representing the company, or does it include personal, one-on-one conversations?

Lou Seal. Buster's mom was named that. His hand was bitten off by a seal. It's slowly starting to make sense.

holy shit. That is beyond awesome.