
Obviously the loophole is the possibility of electing a black Muslim socialist.

It is not a talk between "rebels" and Russian officer's. You must be aware of fact that these are russian special forces undercover pretending to be "separatists". Using this word to describe them is just a success of russian propaganda. It is not possible for simple civilian men with guns to be capable of operating

I payed 150$ for a decent TV table from Ikea. All it has to do is hold up my fucking TV and look decent doing it. What kind of moron pays 2k+ on a TV table? Even if I buy a new one every 5 fucking years for the rest of my life I'd save money.

I payed 150$ for a decent TV table from Ikea. All it has to do is hold up my fucking TV and look decent doing it.

TIL Ikea isn't adult because people don't have money to piss away on overpriced AV tables. Good to know, yuppy.

TIL Ikea isn't adult because people don't have money to piss away on overpriced AV tables. Good to know, yuppy.

Whoa, I thought that the whole 'devolution' thing with this case was pseudoscience, as in completely fabricated by journalists. I am genuinely surprised that anybody actually thought that it was a valid hypothesis.

Another casualty of technology. I remember (almost) religiously getting Thomas Brothers map books for LA. In the old days businesses used to give the map book page and grid nos in order to help people find their business locations. Now we do it on our phones and it's a lot simpler.

Back in my day, Evil Big Bads had to work for their body count. Now they expect everything to be handed to them on a plate NOW. No patience, no pride in the work, respect for our proud history and traditions, or willingness to take the time to learn the craft. Get out of my reeking torture dungeon, you damn lazy

Yes, that's why i really want a horror film that breaks all of those rules. they don't split up (people die anyway), they don't touch stuff (but the stuff follows and haunts them anyway), they get taken in daylight. To me that would be utterly unnerving and a delightful breath of fresh air. I suppose final

I my first year of college, there was this girl who called herself a Wiccan (don't know if she was really one) and said that because of her connection with spirits, playing with a Ouija was too dangerous for her.

No one in this movie will have better hair than Tawny Kitaen in WITCHBOARD. Hell No one in this movie will have better hair than that guy who played Patch on Days in Witchboard.

Did the two Cabin in the Woods techs make this movie? They've thrown every single horror image into a single film. Creepy children, milky possessed eyes, old ghost in the room that only one person can see, sewn shut lips.

I'm actually pretty excited about the horror movie Ouija, because it reminds me of glut of '90s and '00s horror movies centered around a problem that could easily be avoided by leaving said problem alone.

As I understand it, the rainbow papaya was an F1 hybrid 'engineered' by the sort of traditional plant breeding techniques that have been with us for many decades. If that is so, then describing it as a GMO is, at best, underhand. I am sure that big-agribusiness is delighted to muddy the waters in this way at every

Well, remember that I'm still on the left, so yeah, I share their skepticism of farm and water subsidies, tax breaks for agribusiness, unchecked power of transnationals and the GOP.

Echoing this. Another big complaint I've heard a lot of recently isn't that GMOs are inherently bad/evil, but that Monsanto and the other companies making them are there to make a quick buck, and aren't taking all the long-term effects (In terms of biodiversity and inevitable gene crossover into wild populations) into

GMO is problematic because it's still monoculturalism fundamentally (which is infeasible in the long run), and GMO's only, real, purpose is to further entrench monoculturalism and force farmers to buy patented, expensive seeds. It doesn't matter if GMO is SAFE or not. It's unsustainable.

I haven't seen anyone answer your original question, so I thought I would give it a shoot. I am a lawyer, this is not legal advice and you, or anyone else reading this is not my client.*

Are you for real? Do you really think that the US is outside the law and that nobody except Americans can sue other Americans?

Because putting a "?" at the end of a sentence makes it a question no matter what. Even if it shouts nationalism.

People born in North, middle and South America and all Americans. What you really mean is a Non-US citizen suing a US company in a US court regarding US law.