
plz record this and send it to us plz

Somewhere in rural Virginia, there is a gruff redneck lady who just got a new cellphone, and she keeps buttdialing my office number. After getting past my mandated long-ass voicemail greeting, she ends up leaving lengthy messages that consist of lighthearted cursing and talking to her fella (Benny) and also

I have been known to, on a regular basis, pick my cat Simba up in the air and sing out the begining bits of "The Lion King" and end with "All of his, is your kingdom SIMMMM BAAAAA!"

That's brilliant! I also need a masturbation theme.

I thought West Side divas never cross south of Pico or east of La Brea (or La Cienega)? lol

I regret that I have but one favorite to give for this post. And I say that even as a Westside snob.

I'll take you at your word that you are a local, but get out and learn about your city — not just the stereotypes of the different neighborhoods. (1) Hollywood is not a city within LA County - it is a part if the city of Los Angeles, (2) Hollywood is not just a few flashy lights, hookers and smog (eg the The Bowl,

I see what you are trying to get at, but your facts and the broad conclusion you drew from them are almost completely wrong. Los Angeles is a city with clearly defined boundaries. You can look it up! Perhaps on the Internet? Hollywood and North Hollywood are neighborhoods in this city. West Hollywood is a separately

Not true because Boston and Baltimore are removed from NYC, economically speaking, whereas Long Beach and all other cities mentioned are part of the Los Angeles economy. Santa Monica / WEHO / Culver City / Pasadena, etc..., are all LA County, as well.

I'm sorry to burst the author's bubble, but Los Angeles isn't half the size of New York. Because California is one of those states where little bits of an urban area can easily split off and become separate cities (and because a lot of city boundaries were drawn long before LA grew to its modern size), the City of Los

Um. Last October I wrote a Foodspin telling people how to eat Halloween candy. I think your concerns might be just a tad misplaced.

Cook scrambled eggs, place over nice crispy hash browns, liberally cover in Hunts brand ketchup. Best way to eat scrambled eggs.

Maybe stuff some food in your mouth and mind your business. It's the Internet not the youternet. But the next time I do use this, it'll be with the express purpose of annoying you

If only you'd written this as a listicle instead and titled it : "The six types of stories most likely go viral and the one type you thought was guaranteed to go viral but never does," with each type illustrated by an animated LOLCat GIF then you'd be world famous now.

I had a cop suspect me of having drugs once (still don't use them). What struck me about the cop's mentality was that he didn't think that I had tossed drugs out of the car; he knew it.

An RN commenting on the original article pointed out that the doctors should lose their licenses, that performing a medical procedure against the will of the patient is illegal, regardless of pressure from law enforcement.

i'm getting tired of seeing this shit on every fucking article. not everyone on the internet knows about your seedy ass rss feeds, shut the fuck up and deal with it or move on.

I hate when people sue over stupid shit. This isn't stupid. I hope the officers and doctors all lose their jobs and this guy gets 8 figures.

Couldn't the doctors be slammed with a malpractice suit as well, for not reading and understanding the warrant?

LOL. Yeah it was actually engine trouble that got us out of sailing. We had an inboard Yanmar 15 that threw a rod. It was going to cost more to rebuild it than we originally paid for the boat!